Silver Laced Wyondotte Pullet or Roo?


Oct 28, 2015
Houston, Tx
Hello all!! I have been trying to decide myself, but I go back and forth. I am leaning toward roo. This bird is 8 weeks old. It seems to have a pullet shaped head to me, but the wattles and comb are developing. This bird is very pecky even to my grown girls. He/she will jump up at my 9 week old Australorp when she is on the perch. The woman I bought them from will trade this bird for a pullet if it turns out to be a roo, since I can't have one here. I have uploaded several pics. What do you all think?

I'm absolutely no expert... But i've read several in places that when a laced chick shows not very defined (by that i mean "laced" feathers) colors wich is characteristic to the pullets of the breed, well it's more likely a rooster, and as i can see his back and nech feathers are not well "laced", more like painted, wich might indicate it's unfortunately a cockerel :( HOWEVER i am nooo expert on breeds and I really hope it's a pullet! And I'll wait for someone with a better idea of what he's talking about to stop by and give advice!
Best of luck and keep us posted! :)
I'm not sure, the wattles look awfully large, but the comb looks too small to be a cockerel. Based on pics on google images, I am leaning towards pullet.
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I'm absolutely no expert... But i've read several in places that when a laced chick shows not very defined (by that i mean "laced" feathers) colors wich is characteristic to the pullets of the breed, well it's more likely a rooster, and as i can see his back and nech feathers are not well "laced", more like painted, wich might indicate it's unfortunately a cockerel
HOWEVER i am nooo expert on breeds and I really hope it's a pullet! And I'll wait for someone with a better idea of what he's talking about to stop by and give advice!
Best of luck and keep us posted!

X 2 for a roo
I'm absolutely no expert... But i've read several in places that when a laced chick shows not very defined (by that i mean "laced" feathers) colors wich is characteristic to the pullets of the breed, well it's more likely a rooster, and as i can see his back and nech feathers are not well "laced", more like painted, wich might indicate it's unfortunately a cockerel
HOWEVER i am nooo expert on breeds and I really hope it's a pullet! And I'll wait for someone with a better idea of what he's talking about to stop by and give advice!
Best of luck and keep us posted!

Thanks, I hope it is a pullet, but if not, back he goes.
I'm not sure, the wattles look awfully large, but the comb looks too small to be a cockerel. Based on pics on google images, I am leaning towards pullet.

Thnx BantamFan, I hope you are right, it would be easier. If it is pullet, she is destined to be top dog. She is not afraid of any chicken, no matter the size!

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