Silver Lavendar Orpingtons?...or not?


Feb 27, 2018
I have a black/silver marans cock bird and a blue/silver marans cock bird, plus lavender Orp hens. I was thinking how beautiful the silver neck would be on a lavender Orp. So I hung out with the kippenger calculator for a while and I'm stumped. I just keep getting black. I know lavender is a dilute of black but is it possible to get a silver/lavender Orp?
Yes it’s possible.

A “silver lavender” orp wouldn’t be based E/E but perhaps E/ER would work better. I think it would still would work with E/E minus the melanizers. (Maybe)

You most likely want to give the lavender orp a birchen allele which is no problem first cross but trying to get the silver gene homozygous in the Roosters would be a problem.

With hens it’s easy as they can only be S/-

And also with the F1s being het for lavender you would need to at least breed until F2s.

I would breed black silver birchen maran rooster with lavender orp hen to get F1s. Then breed the F1s together to get a wide range of phenotypes in the F2s. You’d probably get something close to what you want that way.

You want the bird with the silver gene to be male so all the F1 hens would be silver!
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Yes it’s possible.

A “silver lavender” orp wouldn’t be based E/E but perhaps E/ER would work better. I think it would still would work with E/E minus the melanizers. (Maybe)

You most likely want to give the lavender orp a birchen allele which is no problem first cross but trying to get the silver gene homozygous in the Roosters would be a problem.

With hens it’s easy as they can only be S/-

And also with the F1s being het for lavender you would need to at least breed until F2s.

I would breed black silver birchen maran rooster with lavender orp hen to get F1s. Then breed the F1s together to get a wide range of phenotypes in the F2s. You’d probably get something close to what you want that way.

You want the bird with the silver gene to be male so all the F1 hens would be silver!

You made my month! I thought I would be good at genes since I’m a math brain, but my math brain seems to fail me in biology! Guess I’ll return in a year to tell you how it turned out!

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