Silver seabright rooster help

Photos of the bottom of his feet may be helpful as well.
What type of food/treats do you feed?
How long have you had him?
Tell us about any other symptoms that he may have - lethargy, not eating/drinking, etc.

I agree with Eggcessive to get him started on B-Vitamins right away to see if those make a difference.
I will get picture in the morning.
For food I feed scratch and fruits, veggies, and mealworms for treat.
I have had him for 9 months I hatched him out. The only symptoms he has had is the feet other then that he is eating and drinking just fine.
All chickens toes will curl inward when you lift them off the ground, this is perfectly normal. But are you saying they are curled in even when he is standing? It would be a good idea to give his feet a good cleaning.
He walks with his toes curled inward to. I will try cleaning them. Thank you.
For food I feed scratch and fruits, veggies, and mealworms for treat.

He walks with his toes curled inward to
Do you provide a nutritionally balance poultry feed?
Scratch, fruit/veggies, etc. are treats right? How much treats does he get daily?

I would get him on the vitamins and eliminate or drastically limit the amount of treats he gets and see that he is eating his normal feed.

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