Simpe run, 10' x 30' in size


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 26, 2013
South Carolina
I am looking for blueprints for a simple run for a flock of 16 layers. I've already got houses with nest boxes. I plan to let them free range when I can supervise but I want it to be large enough that it isn't a strict necessity for them to free range. Predator proof is not essential as the run will be inside the goat's area which is patrolled by my livestock guardian dogs, but I do plan to put a shingled roof over a portion of it & cover the rest with bird netting to prevent aerial assaults (one can never be too careful!). Since it will be covered it will need to be at least 6 feet high so I can stand upright to clean it (I am nearly 6 feet tall). I don't want to spend hundreds of dollars & it doesn't need to be pretty & elaborate, just functional & sturdy. I don't plan on staying on this property forever, so I'm not going to make a beautiful run & hen house that I will then be sad to leave behind, lol.

I have looked at all of the large runs in the Coops section & they are all much more elaborate than my needs or my skills. Beautiful work, though!


Anna & the Thunder Mountain Gang
Woodruff, SC
I'n not sure if chicken wire would suffice in your situation but would be the cheapest option. Welded wire fencing would be much sturdier. Either way use T-post or wood for the framework. Maybe add some taller poles to hold the center of the bird netting higher.
Oh that's a good idea about a post to hold the netting higher. Chicken wire should be fine. The dogs won't mess with it & as long as nothing is growing on it the goats won't either. Thank!

Anna and the Thunder Mountain Gang
Yes, they are livestock guardian dogs. Both were born on farms & both were raised with chickens. I have been chicken-less for a couple of years because my last birds kept hopping the fence into the pet dog yard when I wasn't home, where my Chow mix, who is NOT a livestock guardian & is not allowed in the stock area, killed them all. She is turning 14 in a few weeks & is going blind & deaf so with a bigger run for when I can't supervise & supervised free range time, I am trying again.

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