Singleton Baby & Adopted Siblings


Apr 21, 2022
So I had 2 broody mamas setting on eggs and the one wasn’t cut out for the long haul. I found that she repeatedly broke eggs and pooped the nest. In my efforts to save her remaining eggs, I believe I contaminated the rest, resulting in only one chick hatching. Live and learn I suppose!

In any case, a friend was hatching out some Marans and I was able to get 2 of those chicks to put with my little singleton. Mama and babies are doing great together! Just thought I would share. 🥰


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Hi! I'm going to see if my broody will take one more chick that I hatched from the incubator yesterday. Her first 2 hatched Thursday and 2 more Friday. How did you place them? Did you do it late at night? Thanks

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