sitting in my i crazy?

Thanks Rebecca, I really enjoyed that. I had my speakers turned up REAL loud and my builder actually came to the door and yelled "do you have chickens in there???" HeeHee!! Even more than the egg song, I loved the roo crowing in the backgound! He is SO loud, what kind is he??

That's my Carl, an "accidental" EE rooster. He was/is my first rooster, and he's the dominant one. Of course, he's the only large fowl roo - the others are bantams.

If you listen closely, you should hear my first GrandChick in that recording, hatched by Buffy, a BO, but actually laid by Rebecca.
This is Rebecca.

This is Buffy and Samantha, my first GrandChick.

(I have four more GrandChicks now, hatched by Shirley Welsummer on Monday and Tuesday of this week!)

I spend all the free daylight hours with the chickens that I can - so I'm just as crazy about my chickens as anybody else here!
What an inviting scene. I have a lawn chair and an overturned bucket at the ready. These days they are free range again (now that my dogs protect them) so I sit on the back porch. They come running for treats every time I walk out the back door, of course, so I can hang out a while and they will be in the area, treats or not.

If the OP is crazy, there are lots of others on here who have the same disease. Whoever said minds are overrated has it exactly right!
Nope your not nuts. I do it too, got 3 chairs in the chicken run and if the birds are running about in the yard I have been known to plop right down in the yard without a chair and watch em, usually when I sit on the grass they all come running to me thinking I have some special treat. If I don't they file complaints via their beaks tugging at my pant leg.

YOU are not nuts! I have a chair that sits right by the run so that I can go out and watch "chicken TV". It has rained here for a week and I was still going out between raindrops to watch. My kids sit out with me and the chickens all the time. It's therapy. My husband thought I was crazy til he sat with me one afternoon and decided that it was very calming.

We LOVE our chickens/ducks!
That's better than a lot of things we could be doing!
Our coop is attached to an old shed that I use as a workshop, storage area etc. The girls free range during the day but always come to visit whenever I'm in the shed and I always prop their coop door open so they can come in and out as they please. Happy hens - happy me!
I love this thread!

You're in good company here. I'm obsessed with watching my girls lay, and I sit right in the grass or on a log in the run with my girls. It's the high point of my day! They scratch on my pants looking for treats, jump on my lap, on my shoulders and sometimes on my head!

I think crazy is a relative term, yes?

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