sitting in my i crazy?

glad i am not the only one!!! i sit and talk to them.......
Wendy'sChicksRock :

SO, came home today with a fresh bale of straw for the girls... Stuffed the nesting box's full and they all just stood there looking at me like.. " ok are we going to fit in them now?".. They discussed it between themselves for quite some time and then decided the Roo's would check them out first... So funny to watch them watching the roo's ! after a while they must have felt safe cuz they all hopped up and settled in for the night...

Oh and Look what I found today... Woo hoooo I love this guy !...

Love that rooster! Twenty plus years ago when my DH was doing stained glass; he made me one for the kitchen that was a roo stooped over looking at a baby chick...broke my heart when we had to move from that house!​
It's so easy to lose track of time with the chickens. I start looking at them, watching them, trying to figure out who's a girl, and before I know it, I've lost an hour. It's relaxing and only a chicken person would understand that!
The two roos I have ( leaving soon I cant have them here
) Still do not crow? They do however spend LOTS of time making sure every last feather is in place..They get prancing around only to have the girls peck them or chase them off. Its really funny to see them try to be Roo's
only to be shot down in flames by the girls... Even my silkie bosses them around. They are so sweet and are always the first ones to meet me when they see me coming.. Im really going to miss them when they go... and OK i finally put a real chair in my coop !! I use to sit on a cinder block....


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