Sitting on eggs but still laying more!


11 Years
Jun 14, 2010
Orlinda, TN
Hi Folks. I've had a few chickens for a few years but still consider myself very much a beginner. Therefore, if what I am posting about is a very common problem with a simple solution/cure/prevention, then forgive my ignorance. My chickens are free range.

Anyway, I have a Jersey Giant Hen that is about 10 months old but just started laying her first eggs about 2 months ago. I collected them for a while, then I started letting them pile up hoping she would sit on them. When her nest had 12 eggs, which was about exactly what she could cover, she "went broody" and started sitting full time. Only problem was, she kept/keeps laying eggs!! In the past once my hens start sitting they somehow turn off the egg making machine. I didn't realize this until there were 16 eggs under her and she couldn't cover them. I took 4 out but the next day there was a new one. I did make a mark on the original ones at that point so I could at least tell which ones were new when I removed them, but this is getting crazy. Its been 10 days now so she is almost half way through original eggs, and still laying.

Has anyone else had this? Is there anything I can do that might get her to stop laying eggs? Thanks
Have to agree with other probably other birds laying also mark the eggs you have for her that way you know the ones every day to take away
Are you sure she is the one laying the eggs. I have been collecting eggs daily from under my broody that have been deposited by other hens.
Great question, but yes, in this case I am sure. I only have 1 other hen right now and she just hatched babies and I locked them in the coop for a few days until the chicks are stronger. So yes, it has to be her eggs.
Have to agree with other probably other birds laying also mark the eggs you have for her that way you know the ones every day to take away
She is my only free hen right now, so its her for sure. As I said in my post, I have marked her first 12 eggs so when i remove the new ones I know the same 12 have been there the whole time and will hatch together. But still....its crazy to have to keep doing this everyday. ha. Thanks for the help.
Stop taking them her body is saying I need more eggs if she stops laying when she is out and about take the ones that she laid.
Thank you for that. But I let them get up to 16 eggs and she couldn't even cover them (she is small for a jersey). Anything more than 12 she can't cover, that is why I'm a little worried about this. WHen she lays a new one then either it or one of her original ones ends up uncovered on edge of nest

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