Sitting on the fence??

Pullet or Cockeral

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I agree, pullet.

I've had lots of pullets with one curvish tail feather.

Roosters have all their tail feathers curving, with pointy saddle feathers, with fleshier comb and wattles.

This bird has neither comb or wattles, no pointy saddle feathers, but one slightly curved tail feather.

Other than some yellow on the wing bows, but also matched elsewhere, I think you've got a pullet.

At 17 weeks, there is no question that this bird is a pullet. If it were a cockerel it would have a larger red comb and male sex feathering, and it has no trace of either. It's not uncommon for pullets to have the top one or two tail feathers curve down a little. That throws people off but it is nothing to worry about, especially at 16+ weeks.

She is a beautiful Easter egger, btw. Really pretty colors.

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