Six new pullets.... three "red", three "yellow".


12 Years
Mar 1, 2011
Gastonia, NC
Got these from Tractor Supply. All they could tell me is they get them randomly. They don't know exactly how old they are or what breeds they are.

I got a couple pics... was hoping maybe you guys could help me out a bit?

All three yellow chicks, have white coming in on their wings and tiny tails. (Holly, Molly and Polly)
The reds, each are different. We have one that is a lighter red with some white/cream on it's wings (Callie), one that has red wings (Hallie) and one that has a darker back, with black on it's wings (Sallie).




I am not an expert but the top ones look like white leghorns or TSC's "tetra tints" and the last one looks like a golden comet. I have no clue about the other....Rhode Island Red/Production red would be my guess.

Only reason I'm guessing is cause I got my chicks from TSC too
well just from the knowledge of what our TS store generally carries. I would guess the top is either a leghorn or Cornish Rock. They almost always have one of the two at the store. The red one.... we got one too and they were simply called Red pullets. They could be any of the "red" breeds.

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