The way my schedule is looking I doubt we will make it up Friday night at all. We will have to play it by ear, and see what happens.'s not too early.....what ya got to swap for plants? I have a free pack of okra seeds OG variety cowhorn from sandhill to give away.
I'll do the tried and true GF cheesecake, probably some veggies or fruit too.

I have horseradish, heliopsis, oregano, yellow daylilies, morning glory seeds. Might have broccoli and ground cherry starts, they went to seed again last fall.

I grew okra from Sandhill very successfully a couple years ago. Neat plant, but not much for eating, IMO.
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That's funny Amy, cause I watch the cooking shows that show how delicious it is? It needs to be tender and small and in someone else's garden...LOL
I am so looking forward to the bash...but maybe you all want to spray my tires with bleach and have us change clothing and shoes before we get on the property? LOL--what a crock of sh**! TerriO
hmmm.... looking forward to this again... will have to think about plants.... I have raspberries, horseradish, garlic and probably lots of perennials... i can;t think of at the moment....Who was it that had all the broccoli or was it brussel sprouts? Hope they bring that again!
Dang it, I better get my tomatoes going!!!!

MG, it will be so nice to see you again!

White Elephant purchased, now I need a raffle item......

I'll bring the GF Birthday cake again! Complete with lemon curd and raspberries!

Trumpet vines anyone? This time I will dig them and have them established in the pots before I show up.

Probably no soap this year...... I just cannot find the time at the moment.
*Raises hand for trumpet vines* :) Is it not too late to start tomatoes? DH needs to build me a little frame for my grow lights. I wanted them started beginning of April. Hmm.

It was I who brought broccoli.....I'll gladly bring it again if it self-sowed like I think it did.

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