size of coop best for 1 pair of musocvy?


11 Years
Jul 19, 2008
My Coop
My Coop

since hte last one got eaten by a coyote i just want to keep mine in a pen

what size would i need for just ONE pair? I wont be getting anymore and ill just sell any offspring

anyone here know what would be good for them?

how many sq feet?
Are you looking to figure out the overnight sleeping quarters - or all day everyday kinda run and sleeping quarters?

Mine cuddle up at night - a couple get into the nest boxes :mad: If you just need them closed up over night - gosh a dog kennel/house would work fine.

For an all dayevery day run etc.(no free-ranging) you'd need a lot more room. For chickens the suggestion is 10sf each - I would imagine the ducks would need double that each to stay happy!

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