Sizzle OR Frizzle breeding Question :


11 Years
Jul 2, 2013
. I've a Question and have NO idea where or how to look with this new site update : Question we just rescued 2 NN Frizzles or is it Sizzles " both the NN Rooster & Hen have wing feathers that Break mid shaft. feathers curl look almost fluffy like .. . ) what can I breed them with . . Finally have an Bantam NN Pair.

IF I breed with Silkies will that make the same Problem in Chicks, Breaking shafts ?

IF I breed with Regular feather what will they make ?


  • Spike & Hilary.JPG
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Your picture isn't very clear, but it's possible they are frazzled, which occurs when breeding frizzle to frizzle. Bred to smooths they should produce 100% frizzles I believe.
It looks frizzle, but I see what you are seeing on the wings. Is that mating wearing on the shoulder? I haven't seen wing feathers like that. You will definitely not want to breed them to each other. Either breed to a smooth or a silkie, though I'm unsure what that will produce.
( her wings feathered shafts ) as the feather tries to come out it Looks like rest of other feathers curly & fluff. Both are all Bones and somehow look Dirty, Under nourished.....

:fl After Quarantine: the hen & 3 Unrelated Pullets will go in Main Flock. Rooster will stay with 2 Smooth hens.. .

They are in 30/30 Quarantine, for 3 more weeks :old I've put Vitamin Water, Oyster shells, also put on Flock raiser in ATTEMPT to Nourish them.

What is : Mating Wearing :

It looks frizzle, but I see what you are seeing on the wings. Is that Mating Wearing on the shoulder? I haven't seen wing feathers like that. You will definitely not want to breed them to each other. Either breed to a smooth or a silkie, though I'm unsure what that will produce.
When a rooster mates a hen too much they start to break off the feathers on the back and the top of the shoulders. They can also pull them off the back of the head. Frizzle feathers break off more easily than smooth normal feathers so frizzle hens can end up bare backed pretty quickly if favored by the rooster.

Perhaps with good nutrition they will grow in better feathers, could take until the fall molt. Use a higher protein feed like a grower or all flock to help straighten them out.

I think the wing feathers are still encased in the feather sheath perhaps which should come off soon as soon as the feathers are done growing in.
When a rooster mates a hen too much they start to break off the feathers on the back and the top of the shoulders. They can also pull them off the back of the head. Frizzle feathers break off more easily than smooth normal feathers so frizzle hens can end up bare backed pretty quickly if favored by the rooster.

Perhaps with good nutrition they will grow in better feathers, could take until the fall molt. Use a higher protein feed like a grower or all flock to help straighten them out.

I think the wing feathers are still encased in the feather sheath perhaps which should come off soon as soon as the feathers are done growing in.

Thanks :thumbsup

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