Skin rotting off


This is the best pic I could take of my chick.
It doesnt look quite so bad as the gangrenous skin pics. more crusty/sloughing. Its mostly a dry thing, not too oozy.... at the point anyway. She definitely feels crappy, but was feisty enough to not want to have her picture taken.
Nope, its all over her body. Everywhere I part the feathers is like massive, insane, chunky dandruff. She's not eating, and just huddles in a ball. I guess it can't hurt to treat for mites?

I looked at the other chicks in her pen and a couple others seem to have kinda dry flakey leg skin, but no where as bad.

Could it be nutritional? I talked to my husband and found out that while I was gone (and who knows when else) he was feeding everyone layer pellets. *argh!*
Well just checked on her again. Going downhill fast. It seems to me her legs look grayer/bluer than normal. She is a wheaten, so should have slate legs anyway.... but I'm afraid this is a sign she's on her way out.
Snugglepup, I'm so sorry. I would try to maybe call an avian vet and at least see what they can tell you from a description over the phone. Or if you can, take her in. You don't want to risk the health of your flock. The Gangrenous Dermatitis was the closest thing I could find to your chicken's condition. Please keep us updated, and I hope the rest of your flock is ok.
I think your bird may have parasites...have you dusted or sprayed or treated with ivomec Eprinex? Here is a good article with photos of just some of the parasites ...they are very difficult if not impossible to see sometimes and will irritate the skin...

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