skin the chicken


12 Years
Apr 15, 2007
Creedmoor, NC
I have read on some posts/websites that if you are going to skin your chicken instead of pluck, that you have to cool it first or it will shred. Is this true? So do you kill the chicken and then dunk it in ice water, then skin it? Or is it not really necessary, you can kill it and skin it still warm just fine?
i too skin my chickens as i hate to pluck. i have had no problems with them shredding, and i skin them as soon as they have bled out too. also have done the same with turkeys and ducks with no problems.
My DH does the deed and skins right away. No problems. I plunk them in cold water and when cool I start cutting them into pieces. Then into the fridge for complete cooling before freezing.

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