Skipping molting


8 Years
Feb 21, 2014
North central Louisiana
I have a 3 1/2 yr old SLW hen that has skipped molting last year and doesn't appear she will this year either. She lays, eats like all the others in my flock, very active and I can't find any parasites on her at all. She was also wormed as well. Her feathers that she does have are faded on top or the quills are bare or just stumps on her under side. Her vent area is naked or more just worn down stumps of quills. She is the lowest in pecking order but the others haven't caused the feather loss. I kept waiting last fall for her to loose these old feathers and cover that naked rear end. She has gone all winter spring and summer about to head into fall again. Why didn't she molt and grow new feathers? Anyone else have a perfectly healthy acting hen to do this?
What are you feeding them? A higher protein diet is necessary to molt and grow new feathers. Do you add extra lighting to your birds? That can mess up a molt.

Molting is just beginning for the season, so it could be too early for her to molt yet.
I feed all the girls a good layer feed. I also supplement during times when they are molting with black oil sunflower seeds and mealworms. I don't supplement lighting. I understand it's early in the season for molting because I have one that molts early, she is a heavy molter but feathers are already coming out of the pin feather stage and I have another that waits till end of October or early November to begin.
I was just wondering if anyone else has ever had a hen that skipped molting like this one did and if there is anything I can do to help her shed those stumps and get new feathers.
I had one skip last year. She had lost all her tail feathers so has been a butt-less hen for a year. She has started her molt this year, so finally will look normal again. It happens.
Layer feed has just barely enough protein for egg production. But it's a bit too low in protein for molting birds. And they certainly don't need all that calcium while molting. Multiple feeders spaced as far apart as possible will help ensure that she isn't being kept from feed. And I suggest switching to a higher protein feed during molting season.

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