Skittish ducklings


May 22, 2017
We just got three Khaki Campbell ducklings from the local co op 3 weeks ago. They live on a brooder in the garage and during the warm days we let them outside in a dog crate with no bottom so they can find bugs, splash in a little pool we made then etc. Since we first got then we have been handling them daily, feeding them by hand most days so they get used to us, talking to them and petting them as much as they will let us. But they hate it. We hoped they would be getting used to us by now but they run away quacking like we are going to murder them anytime we put our hands in their cage. I've read this breed is a little more skittish then others but will they ever come around? They seem SLIGHTLY less upset about being caught then when we first brought them home but not by much. What else can we do to make them more comfortable with us?
Welcome to BYC & congrats on your ducklings!

How old are they now?

Picture yourself as a duck. Anything that appears to be swooping down towards them makes them think "predator". Getting down on their level seems to help. Try to let them come to you. If they're old enough, you can start bribing them with treats (mealworms, thawed (frozen) peas, small bits of kale). The way to a duck's heart is definitely via the tummy. ;)
Honestly I'm not sure how old they are exactly, they were itty bitty little guys when we got them, I'm guessing about 4 weeks old. Just starting to get some feathers on them. When they are outside I do try to just sit next to the cage and talk to them. I'll try doing that more and hand feed them more too, thanks! Originally we were only feeding them by hand but they ended up needing so much food we couldn't keep up haha, so we will just keep trying that then and more frequently :)
If you can post pics, we can get a good idea of their age.

Move slowly and speak softly. Sit where they actually can climb on you, nibble your shoelaces, etc. This will allow them to get to know & trust you. Ducks are naturally skittish. It's rare to find a duck that will seek out or even tolerate much cuddling, but you'll be rewarded when they come toward you rather than run away and you'll get to know their personalities.

Also, here's a link to a great thread about treats.
If you can post pics, we can get a good idea of their age.

Move slowly and speak softly. Sit where they actually can climb on you, nibble your shoelaces, etc. This will allow them to get to know & trust you. Ducks are naturally skittish. It's rare to find a duck that will seek out or even tolerate much cuddling, but you'll be rewarded when they come toward you rather than run away and you'll get to know their personalities.

Also, here's a link to a great thread about treats.

Ok thanks for the link! Here's a pic of them today
Ok thanks for the link! Here's a pic of them today
To me they look around 4 weeks old...
Some Ducklings do not like to be held...At around that age they go through a stage I call Ginger Bread Man syndrome ...:lau...They run as if your going to kill them...They out grow it eventually....:frow

Best wishes

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