Skunk attack

Nobody messes with rabies exposure incidents here! The immunoglobulin is 'instant action', so there's no problem with the time it takes to develop immunity from the vaccine. And multiple doses of vaccine, because there won't be volunteers to try fewer doses and hope it all works.
If there's a next time, it will only be a couple of vaccines. You can have your rabies titer tested every couple of years too, and see if you are likely still protected.
I went out to feed my chickens to find 8 dead from a skunk( he didn’t even touch the eggs) Ive never have experience predator attacks before. I feel so much guilt I wish I would have gone out sooner he tried to spray me but couldn’t because he’d already sprayed in the early morning. He won’t be a problem anymore and he wasn’t even bothered that’s I was in there’s he just kept killing. The rest of my flock seem to be okay no obvious injuries.
I just read this entire thread and I am so glad everything worked out ok as far as you were concerned. I have always have been super nervous about rabid animals. I have seen a racoon with rabies run at my dog in broad daynight. Luckily my dog(English Mastiff) ran from it. It reminded me that if any of my animals are attacked to use rubber gloves to handle them just in case. I didn't do that when my cat was attacked, but I wasn't sure what attacked him. He was ok but got skin and hair ripped off his backside. I hope you are still ok as this thread is from Dec 2019.
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I just read this entire thread and I am so glad everything worked out ok as far as you were concerned. I have always have been super nervous about rabid animals. I have seen a racoon with rabies run at my dog in broad daynight. Luckily my dog(English Mastiff) ran from it. It reminded me that if any of my animals are attacked to use rubber gloves to handle them just in case. I didn't do that when my cat was attacked, but I wasn't sure what attacked him. He was ok but got skin and hair ripped off his backside. I hope you are still ok as this thread is from Dec 2019.
Thank you for your concern I am okay so is my flock. I added 14 guineas 2 geese and 2 bantam roosters to use for alarm purposes I also fixed my door which is where I believe he got in at there was no holes in the wire or any dig marks. I still get really stressed anytime I smell a skunk. I haven’t had any attacks since so far the only thing i’ve had around are possums (which are constantly being dealt with) I got my last rabies shot Christmas eve (the last 2 made me feel like I had the flu) But everyone’s okay! I still miss my birds that we’re killed but i’m glad I only lost 8 birds I have 50 in that coop it could have been a lot worse. It was definitely a learning experience ive had several people in my life’s learn from my mistakes (not wearing gloves) I’m super thankful for the people in the forum because I would have never considered rabies shots and who knows how that would have ended. Hopefully that will be my only predator attack i’ll have to learn from. Sorry about you cat! I lost a cat to a black vulture in Dec. Maybe you can call animal control about your raccoon or maybe set a trap and euthanize it.

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