Skunked on shipped eggs again...

That is not at all exactly fair. Sure there may be (sure to be at least one) scumbag who is knowingly selling infertile or very low fertile stuff... but there is ALOT that can go wrong with a hatch and the vast majority of it is out of the seller/breeders hands.

Plus, I wouldn't advise buying shipped eggs this time of year unless the shipment is packaged to hold off heat. The eggs will start to incubate at 99.5F even if they are in the nest in the yard... or a deliver truck in a box... or on your door step, ect.

I'm sorry to sound a bit mean about it... but you can get "great hatch rates" from (let's say) breeder A this year and next year get a zero from them... it is why most people always put "buying shipped eggs is always a risk". Same thing in reverse, you can get a bad hatch (even 0) from breeder B and the very next month try again and get a great hatch. I just don't think people are fair about how they rate a breeder. I have bought 6 different shipments of 5 different breeds in two different seasons from the same breeder.... two were 100%, one was 0%, another was 1 out of 24, and the other was 4 out of 12. So now tell me how your file is fair?

I believe she said that she believe poor packing and porous eggs were the primary reason for the poor hatches. I certainly won't purchase eggs twice from someone who ships them to me poorly packed. So yes, I think that's fair.
That is not at all exactly fair. Sure there may be (sure to be at least one) scumbag who is knowingly selling infertile or very low fertile stuff... but there is ALOT that can go wrong with a hatch and the vast majority of it is out of the seller/breeders hands.

Plus, I wouldn't advise buying shipped eggs this time of year unless the shipment is packaged to hold off heat. The eggs will start to incubate at 99.5F even if they are in the nest in the yard... or a deliver truck in a box... or on your door step, ect.

I'm sorry to sound a bit mean about it... but you can get "great hatch rates" from (let's say) breeder A this year and next year get a zero from them... it is why most people always put "buying shipped eggs is always a risk". Same thing in reverse, you can get a bad hatch (even 0) from breeder B and the very next month try again and get a great hatch. I just don't think people are fair about how they rate a breeder. I have bought 6 different shipments of 5 different breeds in two different seasons from the same breeder.... two were 100%, one was 0%, another was 1 out of 24, and the other was 4 out of 12. So now tell me how your file is fair?

I choose not to dignify your question with a personal files are my business.
That is not at all exactly fair. Sure there may be (sure to be at least one) scumbag who is knowingly selling infertile or very low fertile stuff... but there is ALOT that can go wrong with a hatch and the vast majority of it is out of the seller/breeders hands.

Plus, I wouldn't advise buying shipped eggs this time of year unless the shipment is packaged to hold off heat. The eggs will start to incubate at 99.5F even if they are in the nest in the yard... or a deliver truck in a box... or on your door step, ect.

I'm sorry to sound a bit mean about it... but you can get "great hatch rates" from (let's say) breeder A this year and next year get a zero from them... it is why most people always put "buying shipped eggs is always a risk". Same thing in reverse, you can get a bad hatch (even 0) from breeder B and the very next month try again and get a great hatch. I just don't think people are fair about how they rate a breeder. I have bought 6 different shipments of 5 different breeds in two different seasons from the same breeder.... two were 100%, one was 0%, another was 1 out of 24, and the other was 4 out of 12. So now tell me how your file is fair?

I choose not to dignify your question with a personal files are my business.

Look, the long and short of it is if we are paying for something and "we" feel we didn't get what we paid for, then there is nothing wrong with choosing not to do business with that breeder again.

I agree with BC. I have spent a ton of money and gotten nothing out of it. I will not buy from those breeders again. That doesn't mean I don't like those people, or don't think their birds are nice. What it means is I'm not risking my money on something that didn't turn out well. I bought eggs this year from a very nice person, the first set went well, the second did not and there are other things that went along with the difficulties of the second set and for that reason I won't buy from that person again.

The birds they have a re lovely, the chicks I hatched are too, but it's not worth the risk to make another purchase.

Every person has to decide what is their level of loss. "fair" is a subjective and quite honestly irrelevant issue.
I choose not to dignify your question with a personal files are my business.

Look, the long and short of it is if we are paying for something and "we" feel we didn't get what we paid for, then there is nothing wrong with choosing not to do business with that breeder again.

I agree with BC. I have spent a ton of money and gotten nothing out of it. I will not buy from those breeders again. That doesn't mean I don't like those people, or don't think their birds are nice. What it means is I'm not risking my money on something that didn't turn out well. I bought eggs this year from a very nice person, the first set went well, the second did not and there are other things that went along with the difficulties of the second set and for that reason I won't buy from that person again.

The birds they have a re lovely, the chicks I hatched are too, but it's not worth the risk to make another purchase.

Every person has to decide what is their level of loss. "fair" is a subjective and quite honestly irrelevant issue.

The way you said it scbatz sounds much more logical (and friendly I might add). I can understand that, but that is not what I read from the orginal quote.

The way I took it, is there is some black list of "bad breeders" being made out there based off one purchase per breeder. That is not fair. Now, the way YOU said it... certainly fair. If you choose not to buy another shipment because you choose not to take a chance... that is justified. Especially in this day and time. Like I said, that isn't how it read out to me. (what I had quoted had nothing about being a bad packer in it... just breeder)

Yes, everyone has a right to buy again or not buy again. I just get very agrivated when some people (notice I said "some" so that doesn't mean all of you) automatically jump to the "bad seller" excuse. No offence, but often it's a bad hatcher (once again... not directed at any one person).

Yes, if a person ships eggs and they were sloppy about it I might not buy again either... HOWEVER, I would be as kind and polite as possible and help them learn a better way to pack. Why propetuate the problem? We should all be helping one another with each other's flocks... not black listing them.
Well people, I live in Thailand and have just ordered some eggs from the UK. Let's see if any hatch after traveling more than 9000 km's.

Will keep everyone posted
I bought a dozen light Brahma eggs from fellow BYCer, Bigdawg. He shipped 15 eggs three weeks ago. I put two under a broody. Lockdown was Monday. As of this morning I have 12 chicks, one more pipping, and the two under the broody developing but not hatched yet - I did put them under her the next day after I set the others. That makes my hatch rate, if the broody hatches hers, 100%.

All I can say is, WOW!

Thanks Bigdawg!

well i need to find bigdawg then... i put 24 light brahma eggs in on fathers day.. then went into lockdown after candling tuesday night... only 4 eggs had development... the other 20 were completely clear and porous...

and i completely agree with the original thought on this thread... i cant ever justify spending my money on hatching eggs from the breeder i got these from ever again... and from posts on here some people love this persons eggs... others dont... but i wont be sending any more of my money there... and thats what the op meant in the first place i believe
Strangely enough my shipped eggs are doing better than the ones I went and picked uip - ebay seller that lived close to me so I just went and got them direct from the farm. Of course, I know NONE of them may actually hatch, but if I see some development I know I've got fertile eggs and I already knew they weren't broken so that's all the seller can really do. I have 36 silkie eggs, 12 olive egger eggs, 4 (local) blue orps, 4(local) jersey giants. Of the local eggs (which are dark, so hard to be sure), at least two are clears and one for sure is developing out of the eight eggs.
Shipped eggs- out of the 36 silkie eggs, 30 have definite embryos, 2 clears, rest too hard to tell. These took the longest to get to me and sat in the post office overnight!
The 12 olive eggers have at least four developing, four with detached air cells that may or may not have development and four I am not sure about yet.
This is day 5. So even if I get ZERO out of my hatch, I think the sellers of the shipped eggs really did the best they could - the ebay seller may have given me duds, but they were cheap duds so I'll live.
By day 10 you will be able to see definite growth(or not) on the orps. I put them in and then leave them til day 10. I cause myself less stress and worry that way !LOL!

Oh and I set 13 more of my eggs last night. see what happens....

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