“Okay. I’ll leave then. Nice to see you Peril! “ Kiwi flew off, her wings slightly drooping.
A silent broke.
“I think we might have hurt her feelings “ Peril said.
"Oh moons, was that me?" River asked anguishedly, wincing at Kiwi's drooping shoulders. "Should we follow her?"
"Oh moons, was that me?" River asked anguishedly, wincing at Kiwi's drooping shoulders. "Should we follow her?"
“Let’s wait. Maybe she’ll find a clawmate or two in the caves. If she doesn’t by the end of our first class, we’ll go talk to her.” Dove planned. “She may have just wanted to have a friend here. “
“Let’s wait. Maybe she’ll find a clawmate or two in the caves. If she doesn’t by the end of our first class, we’ll go talk to her.” Dove planned. “She may have just wanted to have a friend here. “
River decided she definitely liked Dove. From what she had gathered, Dove was either a great empath or really smart, both of which were excellent qualities. "Want to go to class?" she asked, still staring at where Kiwi had vanished.
River decided she definitely liked Dove. From what she had gathered, Dove was either a great empath or really smart, both of which were excellent qualities. "Want to go to class?" she asked, still staring at where Kiwi had vanished.
“Sure!” Dove turned to Peril. “Your a Jade winglet, right?”
“Wow! Your super lucky! The teacher has a crush on you, and you get to be in the same winglet as all the cool students! I hope there’s an IceWing in my winglet. A nice one, I mean. “
"Oooh, I'm sure there will be," River said happily.
Embarrassed steam was coming off of peril's horns because they were talking about clay.

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