The two hybrid’s skidded into the classroom as soon as the professor started talking.
(What’s this class about?)
Moonglade was on a small island, writing up another map and plan for escaping when she came of age, when she realized she was about to be late for class! She rucked the papers in her satchel and flew as fast as her wings could take her to the school. She camouflaged into the walls, sneaking in and settling next to other Silver winglets, River and Kiwi.
“What did I miss?” She whispered. They didn’t know her well, but she hoped they wouldn’t mind her asking.
(um how about history?)

Webs looked very disgusted at their possible lateness, and gestured them to seats in a row of four. River fluttered her wing in greeting at Moonglade, and whispered, "Nothing,"
Webs snapped his talons together for silence and began to drone about how the first dragon queen built the tribes.
River carefully pulled out a blank scroll and began to write. She was pretending to take notes, but in reality she was passing a note to Dove.

Hey, how are we going to get Peril and Clay together? She wrote, and then slid the note to Dove.
(um how about history?)

Webs looked very disgusted at their possible lateness, and gestured them to seats in a row of four. River fluttered her wing in greeting at Moonglade, and whispered, "Nothing,"
Webs snapped his talons together for silence and began to drone about how the first dragon queen built the tribes.
River carefully pulled out a blank scroll and began to write. She was pretending to take notes, but in reality she was passing a note to Dove.

Hey, how are we going to get Peril and Clay together? She wrote, and then slid the note to Dove.
Moonglaze noticed the note passing, and watched them enviously. She wished she knew how to develop a friendship like that… she tried to take notes throughout the class, but couldn’t focus. Looking down she realized there was only doodles and scribbles of her classmates, and little quotes she knew. “Only the most afraid can be the bravest” caught her eye, and with it in their mind, she tapped River on the shoulder…
(um how about history?)

Webs looked very disgusted at their possible lateness, and gestured them to seats in a row of four. River fluttered her wing in greeting at Moonglade, and whispered, "Nothing,"
Webs snapped his talons together for silence and began to drone about how the first dragon queen built the tribes.
River carefully pulled out a blank scroll and began to write. She was pretending to take notes, but in reality she was passing a note to Dove.

Hey, how are we going to get Peril and Clay together? She wrote, and then slid the note to Dove.
Dove wrote back. We’ll say we are doing a painting for the art class, and were wondering if they would be a model to paint. You do Clay, I’ll ask Peril. Sunny will make sure he doesn’t say no. Then when we see each other, we’ll come up with the brilliant idea to do a painting of them together. Dove showed her the note, pretending to explain the history note.

Moonglaze noticed the note passing, and watched them enviously. She wished she knew how to develop a friendship like that… she tried to take notes throughout the class, but couldn’t focus. Looking down she realized there was only doodles and scribbles of her classmates, and little quotes she knew. “Only the most afraid can be the bravest” caught her eye, and with it in their mind, she tapped River on the shoulder…

Dove wrote back. We’ll say we are doing a painting for the art class, and were wondering if they would be a model to paint. You do Clay, I’ll ask Peril. Sunny will make sure he doesn’t say no. Then when we see each other, we’ll come up with the brilliant idea to do a painting of them together. Dove showed her the note, pretending to explain the history note.
Tapping River on the shoulder, she whispered, “what are you guys looking at?”
Dove wrote back. We’ll say we are doing a painting for the art class, and were wondering if they would be a model to paint. You do Clay, I’ll ask Peril. Sunny will make sure he doesn’t say no. Then when we see each other, we’ll come up with the brilliant idea to do a painting of them together. Dove showed her the note, pretending to explain the history note.
Tapping River on the shoulder, she whispered, “what are you guys looking at?”
“Want to join us? We’re trying to play matchmaker for Peril and Clay. “ Dove replied. “We need to get back to work though, before our plan is spoiled.”
River smiled toothily. "This is going to be great, and Peril and Clay will have their date!"
River smiled toothily. "This is going to be great, and Peril and Clay will have their date!"
“Girls, please settle down. The Scorching really is one of the most interesting parts of ancient Dragon history, and we have so much new information on this subject!” Webs called over to the three dragonets.
“Let’s get back to work, we’ll talk in the garden later on. “ Dove quickly went back to her studies.
Autumn Time with Clay & Peril | Fandom
Wings of Fire - Peril and Clay by Biohazardia on DeviantArt

Painting ideas?
“Girls, please settle down. The Scorching really is one of the most interesting parts of ancient Dragon history, and we have so much new information on this subject!” Webs called over to the three dragonets.
“Let’s get back to work, we’ll talk in the garden later on. “ Dove quickly went back to her studies.
River quickly turned to her note-paper and scribbled The Scorching is very interesting. Very very interesting because it had dragons and scave humans fighting each other. It was so interesting that some scavengers humans died.
She crossed her claws that Webs wouldn't notice her snarky note-taking.

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