Peril blushed and shuffled over to the bush, her tail twitching with pleasure. You could tell she was a little bit excited for this. "Are you sure?" she asked one more time, out of reflex.
"Yes, I'm sure. I wouldn't have chosen you if I wasn't!" Feather replied. Peril looked nervous and excited at the same time - you could see she was happy to be chosen.
YES, PLEASE!!!!!!! I would LOVE to do some arguing.

So actually, what I've been thinking about the animus magic thing is that the unfrozen dragon simply was either from the royal line or from a long-dormant generation. Also, I did think of the whole "diamond-trial-actually-only-starting-AFTER-arctic-runs-off" thingy, which means that this dragonet was probably NOT from the royal line after all, but crazier things have happened. Also, I really wasn't certain about the whole unfreezing thing too, but i do believe that Snowfall is now a kinder, better queen who disliked the whole freezing debacle. PLEASE tell me all the holes you can, I wrote this when I was mad and I don't write well AT ALL when I'm mad

(I was mad at a rooster, if anyone wanted to know that)
Why were you mad at a rooster, what'd he do?
River shuffled over to Dove. "Hey," she whispered, so Peril didn't hear. "Should we go and bring Clay over? You know, for our art projects?"
Why were you mad at a rooster, what'd he do?
I was walking around him and he charged me and stabbed me in the back of the knee with his spurs... I couldn't walk for a day...
Name: Moonglade
Age: 2 years? Old enough to just be starting school
Tribe: Seawing and Rainwing neither she doesn’t like either
Preferred Winglet: Silver? Or gold if I can’t be in silver
Appearance: A shiny blue-gray, gold flecks and underscales, but she can camouflage
Personality: quiet and secretive, not friendly, and almost always seems sad
Backstory (optional): her parents and the queen are using her because of her animus and royal blood. as soon as she is of age they are going to take her eggs and abandon her, so all her life she has been trying to figure out a way to stop that from happening
Extras: She can camouflage, and has a secret talent for making maps.
Hey, TesoroSena, does Moonglaze lean toward SeaWing or RainWing?
River shuffled over to Dove. "Hey," she whispered, so Peril didn't hear. "Should we go and bring Clay over? You know, for our art projects?"

I was walking around him and he charged me and stabbed me in the back of the knee with his spurs... I couldn't walk for a day...
“Yes. You go, I’ll follow in a minute “
River shuffled over to Dove. "Hey," she whispered, so Peril didn't hear. "Should we go and bring Clay over? You know, for our art projects?"

I was walking around him and he charged me and stabbed me in the back of the knee with his spurs... I couldn't walk for a day...
Oh, that would make me mad too... my dog used to bite me in the back of the knee when he was a tiny pup.
Once when I let him run loose from my garage to his kennel, he tripped me on the gravel path and I landed on my backside so hard I couldn't walk - I had no feeling in my legs. After about a half hour it vanished and I could walk again, but the base of my back hurt for the rest of the week.

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