Moonglaze was waiting behind Dove, listening in on the conversations.
"So you are getting Peril and CLay together? Who is Peril? Can i help?" blurted Moonglaze.
“So that’s why you’re doing this.” Peril said, smoke coming out her horns. “But why?!”
River twisted her tail. Uh oh... caught!
"We... um... wanted to give you and Clay a date together?" she said guiltily. "You obviously like each other, but you never get together... so we were going to organize a date."
River twisted her tail. Uh oh... caught!
"We... um... wanted to give you and Clay a date together?" she said guiltily. "You obviously like each other, but you never get together... so we were going to organize a date."
Feather nervously watched the scene unfold, Peril's horns blowing smoke as River explained their plan. Dove shot a glance at Feather that said, Help! But Feather didn't know what to do. The whole plan depended on NOT being caught....
(Get Clay over here!)
River scraped her talons together. "I... um... have to go!" she hemmed, and darted away. Got to find Clay! she thought, over and over, as she bolted down the halls.
She darted into the food hall, where the tall MudWing was picking at a duck... or maybe a goose, it was too mangled to tell. "Hey, um, Clay! Do you... um, want to... well, actually, can you come with me?" she blurted in one breath. Clay looked puzzled, but he stood up. "River, right? Can I help you?"
"Yes, you can come with me," River gasped. Clay, looking befuddled, followed. River dragged him outside, to the garden, where Peril stood before Dove, Feather, and Moonglade, with smoke burning off of her horns and claws.

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