Sleep Remedies?

Hi DoctorGoose - I have had sleep "issues" all of my life. Even as a child I would lie awake all night till time to get up for school. Since I had to stay in bed, I would pass the time making up stories, scripts, etc.

As an adult I still could not sleep and would toss and turn all night long - I call it my "rotisserie chicken" night.

I started my own work from home and travel/seminar business about 15 years ago and it really helped with the sleep issues. I no longer have to go to bed at "bedtime" and set the alarm to get up to get to work. So, since I've always been a night owl - that's what I am now. I don't watch the clock. I go to bed when I'm sleepy - may be midnight may be 4:00 a.m. If I wait till I'm actually sleepy I go straight to sleep. I normally only sleep about 5 hours or less - sometimes only 2 or 3. If I wake up wide awake, I get up.

I rarely, and only under extreme circumstances, take any kind of medication (for anything) or alcohol. So if I really need to get a full 8 hours sleep - I take ONE Benadryl. I can't believe you can take 4 or 5 and still live. One will knock me out for about 9 hours and then I have to have coffee to shake it off the next morning. I've also used the Sleepy Time Tea (but I use two teabags) and find it helps me to relax and get sleepy and if desperate will have half a glass of wine - have to already be in bed for that one or I will fall asleep where I am. Lately I'm working cross word puzzles. I find it helps me get sleepy especially if it's one where I'm not getting very far - if it's where I'm almost complete - I'll stay up all night - same with reading. I read voraciously and will stay up all night in bed reading.

Anyway - point is - if you don't have to go to bed at 8:00 or get up at 5 - DON'T. Wait till your sleepy (naturally) to go to bed. Like me and many others, you may not need as much sleep as you think. I found that going to bed and tossing and turning and watching the clock is what wore me out and had me tired all the next day. I can stay up 2 nights straight, and often do and not feel tired the next day and then sleep like the dead for 2 hours and wake up totally energetic. Of course being a night owl who needs little or no sleep has it's disadvantages for other members of the family. My ex-husband used to wake up many mornings and say "Just once it would be nice to wake up and not find you've repainted or wallpapered or rearranged the furniture".

I do a lot of my work late at night - I'm also on this forum around midnight. When I travel for my business and have an early flight I don't go to bed the night before. Easier for me to stay up all night than to get up at 3:00 a.m. for a 6:00 a.m. flight.
My work schedule is tough, I work 6pm-6am Sun, mon, tues and every other wed, so every other wed, thru, fri & sat, I'm supposed to sleep nights but during work days, sleep body hates me!!! I've used melatonin but found that I had really creepy dreams and terrible RLS, so I don't use that anymore. In winter, a warm bath helps, or I read, I also eat before I go to sleep which helps, I know it's not good for you but I don't suffer because of it. On my days/nights off, I do find myself up until the wee hours of the morning and then sleeping til noon and my husband doesn't understand it most of the time, but I can't "make" myself sleep, although I try when I only have so many hours to cram it into during my work week.
If I do that I wake up a little while later because then I have to go to the restroom....

small bladder I guess
You should try doing what we do in "jolly old england"...

Drink as much alcohol as you can until the lights go out! Works every time! lol
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The only thing that works consistently for me is EXERCISE! I hate exercise, but have discovered that if I go for a 30 minute jog or a long bike ride during the day (but not too close to bed time -- preferably before 4 pm), my sleep problems disappear. I actually wake up feeling refreshed!!

Lately I've been too busy to exercise, and I've started waking up at three or four and not getting back to sleep until about 6... and then I have to get up at 6:30. ARGH. I know I should exercise, but what a pain....
same here.
snuck out and went on a bike ride to my friends house (which is wrong oh and i stayed there till 4:30 in the morning and i got home went on myspace for 3 seconds and then i went to sleep and then woke up at 5:30 for school and i was fine.

i am deff a nigh owl the whole last summer i stayed up till 7 and slept till noon lol.
bad idk?

i am also a bad sleep walker and sleep talker lol. when i am in a deep sleep.
GoodEgg (Trish) had lots of good information. I would like to add using lavendar oil (the pure essential oil) on your feet, temples and wrist pulse points is good. Also, I have a sleep balm made by the W.S. Badger Co ( that worked wonders with my son who had major sleep issues. I also use self hypnosis to help me drift off or go back if I wake in the middle of the night. You might try getting a book on self-hypnosis or speaking with someone who does hypnotherapy and ask them about teaching you how to do self-hypnosis - it should only take one or two sessions to learn. Good luck - it's hard to enjoy life when you're sleep deprived.

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