Sleeping Outside


Mar 11, 2018
Vermillion, SD
So we finally finished the run for our chickens this weekend and they seem to LOVE it! However, we’ve noticed they stay huddled outside at night instead of going inside. We know they are all able to go in and out of the coop, so we aren’t sure why they don’t go inside out of the cold at night. They have been cuddling in the same corner every night, and it’s a majority of them. Should we be concerned? Why do you think they’re doing that?
It's a new place for them and chickens don't see well I the dark. They will go in if you provide light in the coop for an hour or two from dusk until it's really dark. They don't know where to go yet, and the light will show them. After a couple of months they won't need the light any more, they will go in automatically. Good luck!
Human raised Chicks need to be taught to go into the Coop at night..One way of doing it is too keep them locked into the Coop for 5 days and then let them out in the Run. They then associate the Coop as being home..
Thank you everyone for the advice! We will lock them in the coop tonight (and the next few nights) until they seem to catch on! We do have a lot of natural light in the coop, so hopefully that'll help! They're so happy to have their run, I can't blame them for not wanting to go in! Unrelated question: at what age should we expect eggs? Is there a way to train them to lay in the nest boxes? Our chickens are about 10 weeks now, so I know we still have a little while.

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