Sleepy, sad Silkie Hen


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 25, 2014
Hello everyone!
I have 3 white bantam silkies. One of the hens has been quite sleepy the past few days, she hunches over and hangs her head and tail, making herself extra fluffed up. I checked near her ear area as I read thy can get mites, her legs again look fine as well as at the base of her feathers, she isn't sneezing, and has no facial discharge... I cleaned their house thoroughly today and generally the last two days, I moved their pen to a fresh area too... She is eating and drinking still pretty well though not foraging. Her bottom area looks slightly poopy and her poop was slightly on the softer side this morning. She is 19 weeks old and not yet laying.
Any ideas at all? I have attached images, many thanks in advance for any advice!

I would treat her for coccidiosis with Corid (amprollium) as a precaution. Dosage is 2 tsp of the liquid (or 1.5 tsp of the owder) per gallon of water for 5-7 days, and treat all birds. Afterward give vitamins and probiotics for several days. Then I would worm them (if you haven't done that recently) with Valbazen or SafeGuard Liquid Goat Wormer 1/4 ml orally, then repeat in 10 days.
I would treat her for coccidiosis with Corid (amprollium) as a precaution.  Dosage is 2 tsp of the liquid (or 1.5 tsp of the owder) per gallon of water for 5-7 days, and treat all birds.  Afterward give vitamins and probiotics for several days.  Then I would worm them (if you haven't done that recently) with Valbazen or SafeGuard Liquid Goat Wormer 1/4 ml orally, then repeat in 10 days.

Thanks so much for the reply, this was something I had in mind and was hoping Id get a reply confirming my suspicions! Thanks again !
You're welcome. As Casportpony said, Corid (amprollium) would be sold under a different name, coxoid, in the UK. I believe that you have to get it from a vet. Also, Flubenvet would be the wormer to look for, and it is added to the feed over a certain number of days for worming.

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