My male chick will be 6 weeks old on Saturday. His right eye is slightly swollen, not sure how, he's in a big box in our dining room until he's ready to move out to the coop, there is one other chick in there with him. It's been like this for awhile, didn't think much of it, just thought it would get better. He doesn't really use that eye, he always uses the other one to look at us. Yesterday I put warm water on a washcloth and put some saline solution on a cotton ball. I would think I should use eye drops or some sort of antibiotic. He's not sneezing, nothing coming out of eye, seems to be lethargic at times, well at least compared to his sister. What eye drops should I get (from feedstore), what dosage, if antibiotics, what kind and dosage. If I put it in water, is it ok for the other chick to drink it too?
Here's a picture:
Here's a picture: