Slipped tendon

I did and this morning she had fallen through and one of her legs came unwrapped. We made the decision to put her to sleep. Poor thing was not having a quality life and from everything I read it’s very difficult to fix.

Now we have another chick that I was treating for 1 spayed leg now I think it’s a slipped tendon instead. This chick is doing well though. Hopping around and eating and drinking living with the other chicks. I’m thinking I should just let her be? She’s been like this for over a week. And I feel like I’m torturing them wrapping them and “trying” to help them And it doesn’t even stay. :(
So sorry your baby couldn't be helped. Sometimes we do everything we can, and it just doesn't work out. It's good you're having some success with the other chick though. I've had to re-boot and hobble mine as I noticed her toes were scrunching up again, and the splay was creeping back. Hopefully things continue to go well with her.
Update: Ruby moved back outside on Monday and is doing great. We had to revisit the booting again because of the bunched up toes. I had wondered if that kept repeating itself because of her immobility due to being confined to a dog crate, so I began giving her more time outside the cage to walk around in her taped feet to encourage a more natural toe position. This worked well, and now she is boot free and hobble free, doing what chickens do. We lucked out with low seasonal temps, so we didn't have to worry about her reacclimating to the summer heat. She and her sister are together in the grow-out coop getting used to being a part of the flock again.

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