Slow developer - or unusual breed?


7 Years
May 11, 2012
New Hampshire
I have 20 chickens, all about a month old. Most of them have developed feathers by now (as you can see on the chicken in the background), but one little guy is still mostly baby fuzz. She has big wings on the very ends of her wings, but not on her body like the others. We did get one "mystery chick" in our order, so she could be anything. Is she a type of breed that just develops slowly, or could she have a problem? Thanks in advance for the help with our "ugly duckling!"

Green legs, beard and muffs, patchy feathering, I say Easter Egger cockerel. Mystery chicks are most often boys the hatchery throws in as an "extra" for people.
I had a brahma rooster that did the exact same thing. As a warning do not think that because he is older that he doesn't need the heat, I learned the hard way. All of the others the same age were fully feathered, and so I moved them from the brooder to a bigger cage in the basement for transition, with no heat lamp. It did occur to me that he might not be ready yet because he was nearly bald, but I ignored my instinct. 4 days later I came home and he was dead for no apparent reason. I'm convinced it was my fault. No feathers needs heat!
Looks exactly like my EE cockeral. He was incredibly slow at feathering in even though the other 3 cockerals from the same feed store bin feathered in at the same time as the pullets.
This is him at 9 weeks! He is 13 weeks now, and is JUST NOW starting to get his tail feathers in.


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