Slow/Sour Crop


Apr 14, 2018
North Carolina
Yesterday one of my Seramas had a crop that was puffed up and squishy. It was well into the afternoon by this time. He has also been lethargic.

I read the article on here about slow/sour crop but I still need some help.

So I helped him vomit, didn't get up much, but the crop wasn't as puffy. I then gave him a little feed and have been giving him some water with a little ACV in it. I haven't had the chance to make the ginger and whatnot concoction.

Got up at 6:45am (little over 15 mins ago) and his crop is not puffy, but it is also not empty. Feels like a normal, fairly full crop.

What should I do? He's acting lethargic again as well.

Edit: it was 7:07am when I wrote the above, now it is 7:35am and I was petting him and his crop doesn't have a hard lump in it like it's full, but now it's puffy again.
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Sometimes crops may be puffy do to other illnesses, such as coccidiosis or other problems. In hens, reproductive problems can cause it as well. I have not had good luck treating crop problems. Sometimes using an antifungal drug such as nystatin will help, along with some massaging of the crop several times a day. What are you feeding? Here are some articles by others with good advice:
If he were mine I’d crate him at least overnight. No food no water and check him first thing in the morning to see if the crop has emptied.
I had a Roo with a pendulous crop (was given to me that way) and tons of problems with sour crop.
In the morning. Smell his breath. Check the emptiness.
It’s good you didn’t feel a hard lump (impaction).
Some people use feminine hygiene cream for yeast infections for sour crop.
I just used yogurt and electrolytes in the water along with working (vomit) the crop.
Could be something very simple. Try the least evasive first. That’s my suggestion.
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Sometimes crops may be puffy do to other illnesses, such as coccidiosis or other problems. In hens, reproductive problems can cause it as well. I have not had good luck treating crop problems. Sometimes using an antifungal drug such as nystatin will help, along with some massaging of the crop several times a day. What are you feeding? Here are some articles by others with good advice:

Thanks! Well I believe the problem stems from when his flock were outside after things had settled down from the hurricane. They were out for a day and because I still hadn't set up their coop I brought them back inside. About two days ago I noticed he seemed lethargic but didn't think anything of it. That was maybe a day or two after he was outside.

I've got 16 other Seramas on the same feed of crumbles and they're all fine.
So he's not *as* lethargic as he was that first day I began trying to treat him. But something just still isn't right. I am so confused.

So I've noticed he doesn't eat almost anything while in the chicken room, but when I take him out he gorges himself so much that the water he drinks aftetward just comes back up.

Then if he has eaten in the chick room it will be this tiny dime sized ball. In the morning it'll still be there, but once he drinks it goes away, the only thing then is that his crop then becomes like a little inflated balloon.

Then, this morning, he was limping, favoring a leg, but when I checked it his leg and foot looked totally fine.

The only other symptoms are pretty much every poop he has is nothing but liquid with some tiny bits in it and they're usually white and green. When he does have a solid poop it's either green or a brown with a green tinge and it's just a small ball the size of a pea and it seems like he has a hard time with getting them out.
Give him some coconut or olive oil. Couldn’t hurt. If you feel a lump like a ball in his crop (from long grass perhaps) you could also give him a non-stimulant stool softeners I have those jell pill type. Just poke a hole in it and squeeze in his favorite treat.
Give him some coconut or olive oil. Couldn’t hurt. If you feel a lump like a ball in his crop (from long grass perhaps) you could also give him a non-stimulant stool softeners I have those jell pill type. Just poke a hole in it and squeeze in his favorite treat.

He only has chick feed. His group used to be outside at my sisters but were moved over here during the hurricane and they've been inside since as we are fixing up a coop and run for them. They did go outside once for a few hours in the run we got set up, but haven't since then and that was sometime last week.

The water he drinks seems to move the lump along, but the suddenly puffy crop doesn't make sense to me.

I see stuff for coccidiosis(sp?) but he's only been lethargic and since I've been taking care of him, not as lethargic as he was at first. And he eats fine when I've got him with me, but then isn't all too interested when in the chicken room.

He does sit puffed up like he's cold when he's in there. He sleeps a lot when in there but not with me. He sleeps more than I feel he should, but he still enjoys getting up and moving around more so than in the chicken room.

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