Smacking the chickens?

I wouldn't ever hit one of my chickens!I don't think that's the way to handle them.She probably doesn't trust you now and is afraid.tTry holding and petting her,give her treats.Maybe you can win her over.
I hope no one crucifies you for that. It is a normal response when someone has had enough. I am sure we have stuck our pets nose in their poop too, so.... To regain her trust, which I am sure she not that into you right now, I would be patient and gentle and make sure she knows that you want to be forgiven. And try your hardest not to smack your chickens. Now a roo is another story....
I can't believe someone is posting here about smacking a chicken a few times. And no one here seems angry over someone who smacked his chicken who was upset to begin with.
How bout "I whipped my dog because he's afraid of the thunder and was whining". Would that make anyone mad? Some people need an anger management class, and maybe rethink why they have chickens
well, i font hit my chickens....just yell at em or pick em up....

like, my australorp is such a bullie to the younger ones all the time so i yell at her and she runs for the hills lol and if its late out, i pick her butt up and put her on her roostin stick sort of like a lil chicken time out LOL
I really agree with you, which is why I posted what I did. No one should give this person a hard time because she had enough. I don;t want to hurt ANY animal, but when my dog jumps on me I kick him in the chest. Doesnt even phase the big lug.
She'll come around. I know you feel bad about what you did and now she will get more spoiled because you feel bad. At least you recognized your mistake. Just give her time to come back around. We all make mistakes. wont do a THING except make her scared of wont make her WANT to go in the coop, or be quiet...they dont think like do wont work...but....when a chicken is attacking you OR pecking to probably would be okay to push it away roughly(let it KNOW that you are not scared of it..and that it cant dominate you..)....or when my hens peck me to hard..i tap their beak with the tip of finger kinda hard..not to really hurt them..but to get their attention...and i say NO!..and walk away..and give the treats to the non-agressive hens.....and i do notice now that when they get to rough with me now, if i bend down and put my finger out..and say NO!..they kinda step back and check me out..and then they get the sure if that works or not....but..hitting a bird, actually smacking them..because you want them to do somethiing..will not work...sorry..good luck!
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i TOTALY agree! im not trying to crucify you , but animals are on our property by OUR desire and design. In doing this we have excepted teh responsebility to care for them and provide their ultimate protection. In this we should excersise patience and understanding that they are animals and have issues of their own. this shouldnt matter if we have "had it" or if we are " not feeling it". They are simple animals that ,if we do it right, come to see us as the alpha of the flock and not the bully of the group.

I hope your chickens are fine, and i hope you do understand that they have feelings too.
Most people here are chicken lovers, so it would be safe to assume there are plenty of people upset over it. But, there are a few things to consider. Number one, we don't know the age of the poster. It could mean the world of difference in our responses if the poster is one of the younger members here.
Secondly, the poster , knowing this is a forum of chicken lovers, got up the courage to admit a bad choice(one that would possibly enrage said chicken lovers) in order to ask advise on how to correct what had been done. When I read the post, I read remorse. And wanting to get bck in good graces would imply concern.

eeiko, all you can do now is regain her trust. Remember to not make any quick or sudden moves around her, because she is going to be afraid of you, not just your hand. Try to not even raise your voice around her. As the others have said, treats and time.
She may have been afraid of the new coop. Or maybe it was dark in there. Or there could have been a mouse or something. If you have other chickens, they could be picking on her. There could be alot of reasons why she didnt want to go into the coop. Normally they wouldn't squawk and run out ( at least not in my experience, which isnt much) You might try putting treats in the coop before dark, and let her go in herself, or even have a little light in there so she can see it isn't all that bad.
Is she your only chicken?

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