Smacking the chickens?

Has anyone here ever lost their temper with their children? Or a dog that pooped on your grandmother's hand crocheted rug? Or a cat that peed on your new rug? Or you parrot that bite you grandson? Or a non named reigion that knocked on your door right as dinner was ready?

I could go on but I am sure we all get the point. To err is human, to forgive is divine. Give this poster a break.
hi guys

firstly, thanks for the replies everyone has posted...(including the the posts that were directed to me negatively)
because at least i know that its something i shouldnt of done.

yes, it wasnt right what i did. i probably shouldve asked peoples advice before getting upset.
wel ive learnt from my mistake & hopefully the hen can forgive what happend.
thanks, i appreciate it...
Most people here are chicken lovers, so it would be safe to assume there are plenty of people upset over it. But, there are a few things to consider. Number one, we don't know the age of the poster. It could mean the world of difference in our responses if the poster is one of the younger members here.
Secondly, the poster , knowing this is a forum of chicken lovers, got up the courage to admit a bad choice(one that would possibly enrage said chicken lovers) in order to ask advise on how to correct what had been done. When I read the post, I read remorse. And wanting to get bck in good graces would imply concern.

eeiko, all you can do now is regain her trust. Remember to not make any quick or sudden moves around her, because she is going to be afraid of you, not just your hand. Try to not even raise your voice around her. As the others have said, treats and time.
She may have been afraid of the new coop. Or maybe it was dark in there. Or there could have been a mouse or something. If you have other chickens, they could be picking on her. There could be alot of reasons why she didnt want to go into the coop. Normally they wouldn't squawk and run out ( at least not in my experience, which isnt much) You might try putting treats in the coop before dark, and let her go in herself, or even have a little light in there so she can see it isn't all that bad.
Is she your only chicken?

im greatful wiith your post. im glad u actually spared a thought for me..because
i did think twice whether i should post this thread beforehand.
because ive been on a few forums before, and ude be suprised how sensitive some people are. the most littlest things can trigger a person or offend them. and easily make them hate you for however long you stay registered there.
anyhow, yeah it wont happen again,
thanks heaps
Well, i must say eeiko321, at least i give you credit for taking constructive critcisum (sp?) Some stir the pot with a post and then dont like the replies they elict, So, that being said, this forum is truly constructive and kind people, as i am sure you are as well. So, ill give you credit to relizing your mistake and teh foresite to seek advice and learn and progress , as we all need to do from time to time. Lets all get better together. I know i have made my mistakes aswell and people here on this forum have helped me greatly.

I for one thought it was funny.. in a had it sort of way.. I dont hate you for doing that.. now if you tortured the poor thing well different story..

I have defended the lower down the totum poll pullets whenever I am around and give the peckers a 2 foot swat after they have pecked a littler one.. But trying to smack them I just cant picture it. LOL
I have 9 chickens. I let them out for awhile first thing in the morning, then have to bring them back into the coop before I go to work. They don't like to be in their coop during the day, but I have a fail-safe way to get them in -- treats!! I prepare 2 bowls of treats - yogurt, grapes, bananas, wheat bread. They LOVE them and will follow me anywhere to get the treats - including the coop! Now, they follow me wherever I go even empty-handed!
There are a lot of reasons not to do that., Now you have a hen that's afraid of your hands. It's so easy to hurt a small animal too. The same reasoning applies to cats and dogs; a hand-shy animal can become very difficult. They can also become peckers and biters.

Golda, our second-in-command hen, used to stay out and refuse to come in. Now, I was able to lift her and bring her in, but it seemed to me she was looking for that kind of attention. So later on I would call the others in and lock Golda our for a while. As soon as she learned she was being excluded, she began to knock on the door with her beak. Problem solved.

I'm glad you're rethinking this, you'll be more satisfied and so will your birds.
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I appreciate you saying this. I, too, have learned alot from my many mistakes.
Yes, you did ruffle my feathers.
I'd like to start over fresh. I apologize for the way my response sounded, I didn't mean to be so harsh.

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