Small amount of blood in teen chick poop!


May 4, 2020
Northeast Wisconsin
Hi all, this morning I went to see my girlies and clean off the poop board and noticed a small amount of what looks like blood on the tip of one of their poops. They all seem to be acting normally (except last night the youngest kept “yawning”🤔) and eating/drinking fine. They’re currently getting medicated feed and fresh water every other day (unless needed sooner). Last night was their second night in the big girl coop.
Should I be concerned?
How old are your teen chickens? That does look like blood rather than inestinal lining. You could keep a close eye on them for any more blood or acting off, but it would not hurt them to have some Corid in their water for 5 days. You could get the Corid to have on hand just in case. The liquid is easier to use and sometimes cheaper.
How old are your teen chickens? That does look like blood rather than inestinal lining. You could keep a close eye on them for any more blood or acting off, but it would not hurt them to have some Corid in their water for 5 days. You could get the Corid to have on hand just in case. The liquid is easier to use and sometimes cheaper.
4 of my chicks are 6.5- 7 weeks old, and the youngest one is 5.5-6 weeks. I’ll definitely pick up some Corid, thank you!

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