Small coops: What does the inside look like?

Do the chickens care about photos and posters??? I'm thinking it's more about the owner liking them. LOL

My coop is partway done 4x6, 4 feet tall and raised. It is secure and inhabited, getting sick several times in the process of building put a huge crimp in progress. It's too dang cold to do any work on it now. There are temporary wooden crates for roosts and no nest boxes yet, the girls like the space behind the crates to lay their eggs for the moment. I'll be glad to get it finished and the run completed so they can go outside. I feel badly that they are confined inside but it is not safe due to predators to be loose.
Here’s my 2 foot by 3 foot henhouse with its 4 foot by 3 foot attached run.
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I don't like to keep feed in the coop. It attracts mice. I put the containers in the run & only put the amount I know they will eat. Toward the end of the day, I take the top part of the feeder off, pour water on the remaining feed in the tray & they act like I gave them a wonderful treat. They gobble it down. When they go to bed, if there's any wet food left, I throw it in the trash & wash the container. It will be dry & ready for the next morning's dry feed.
As far as ladders, I have large breed chickens & don't like the roost to be high. I worry about injuries & bumblefoot. (I have a high ladder in my chicken tractor but plan to remove it when I go to use it again this summer)
I might also add a large framed photo of myself and the husband, something dorky with goofball grins to remind them who their mama and papa is and cheer them up on dark rainy days.

I love it, this idea gets all of my bonus points for the day!!!

Great idea on the posters inside. It will cheer up your chickens. I also know chickens like music. Maybe this poster on another wall would remind them of good music.

Gotta show this one to hubby. I think that guitar would be painful to play.


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