Small heated bowl for winter water?

Going Quackers

12 Years
May 24, 2011
On, Canada
I was going to do the cookie tin method but the cost of the kits here and the lack of wire protection has led me back full circle. With only 4 birds and the awful, awful reviews of larger heated waterers i am leaning towards a small heated bowl.. like i guess for cats lol

Like the one above, any input? i know they are not like my ducks and won't bathe in it lol that said, if i elevate it will it be ok?
I was going to do the cookie tin method but the cost of the kits here and the lack of wire protection has led me back full circle. With only 4 birds and the awful, awful reviews of larger heated waterers i am leaning towards a small heated bowl.. like i guess for cats lol

Like the one above, any input? i know they are not like my ducks and won't bathe in it lol that said, if i elevate it will it be ok?
I bought a bunch of bowls like this for my flock. We , in Florida, had a really had winter 2 years ago. We had a record number of freezes. What a PITA it was to go out and warm up the drinking water every morning. At the end of that winter, I ordered bowls like above. Mine hold 1 gallon of water in each. My flocks are mature, so I don't have to worry about anyone drowning.

DID they work? This has to be the question you want me to answer....Aaaahhhh , Sorry, but I can't tell you. I never got a chance to use them this past winter. We had almost NO freezes this year, so I never got to use them.
I bought a bunch of bowls like this for my flock. We , in Florida, had a really had winter 2 years ago. We had a record number of freezes. What a PITA it was to go out and warm up the drinking water every morning. At the end of that winter, I ordered bowls like above. Mine hold 1 gallon of water in each. My flocks are mature, so I don't have to worry about anyone drowning.

DID they work? This has to be the question you want me to answer....Aaaahhhh , Sorry, but I can't tell you. I never got a chance to use them this past winter. We had almost NO freezes this year, so I never got to use them.

Did you find they stayed out of them ok? my girls are over 4mths now so are definitely large enough not to drown. I am more duck oriented here so i am still learning the differences, the water with chickens isn't hugely drank or messed with other than the massive ability of them to kick bedding everywhere...
which clogs up their standard waterer all the time. We've already had one freeze and i know it's coming we have single digits predicated by the weekend, despite hitting up to the high 60's almost 70 today.
I use them. The HUGE dog size. They work marvelously. However, I didn't want to have to clean a plugged in device all the time, so I re-purpose or re-cyce old one gallon ice cream pails and just set the pail into the dog dish. Works perfectly. The dish itself stays clean for weeks and weeks. I just swap out the pail each morning. Done. In below zero weather it is priceless.
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I use them. The HUGE dog size. They work marvelously. However, I didn't want to have to clean a plugged in device all the time, so I re-purpose or re-cyce old one gallon ice cream pails and just set the pail into the dog dish. Works perfectly. The dish itself stays clean for weeks and weeks. I just swap out the pail each morning. Done. In below zero weather it is priceless.

Oh, i get it! what a clever idea! Yeah, i could see that working with the large style.. being i only have 4, the small one i think will do i don't want to occupy more space than possible.
Quote: I'm not quite sure what you mean by that.
A "cookie tin heater" is just a light bulb in a box, and should cost far less than the heated bowl.

Just buy one of these and put it in a box:


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