Small, portable coop

Elinor's chicks

10 Years
Sep 26, 2009
Lexington KY
I almost did it....I went to a rural fair where there were several pens of chickens for sale. Very good thing - I love Brahamas , but seeing the standards close up, realize they would be much too big for my space. He had a pair of buff Brahma bantam hens...... and I fell in love!!! He wouldn't sell them though, they were his kids pets (and mine was not the first sale offer).

If he had sold them, I would not have been able to resist, and I don't even have a coop yet! I am in a townhouse with a good-sized deck and a patch of yard about 18'x25', fenced on only one side. (the neighbor put up a privacy fence. I can't afford that)

I'm thinking I can go small for a bantam coop, but it must be light and portable. My deck faces w/sw, and gets so hot in the summer I would have roast chicken! The coop could go under the deck in the summer for shade (it's 8' up), up on the deck in the winter to catch winter sun (and for my ease of care). I've looked at the coop section, but none of them are quite it. Any ideas? (I would do a light 'chicken tractor' set-up for a run in appropriate weather)
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