Smashed chick.

You are very correct. She was bad off again. I now have her seperated with another smaller chick in my bathtub with a heat lamp. I've never had a sick chick before so this is hard. I feel like all my research has been lost in my brain fog.
For us long-time poultry parents, I think we’ve all been through similar situations at one time or another. It’s really discouraging, but you’re doing everything you can. Good or bad outcome, at least you know you’ve done you’re best for the chick. Good Wishes for you and the wee one.
I have had 4 clutches of chicks but I haven't had to brood them myself for a couple years as I normally have a broody hen. This chick has been "dead" twice now that I had to blow into it's mouth and stimulate and warm it up for it to slowly come back. This time I will keep it separated with a tiny friend. I would like to see it drinking and eating alone for a couple days before I'll risk putting her back with the healthy ones. This was also the first time I've gotten shipped chicks.
I have had 4 clutches of chicks but I haven't had to brood them myself for a couple years as I normally have a broody hen. This chick has been "dead" twice now that I had to blow into it's mouth and stimulate and warm it up for it to slowly come back. This time I will keep it separated with a tiny friend. I would like to see it drinking and eating alone for a couple days before I'll risk putting her back with the healthy ones. This was also the first time I've gotten shipped chicks.
I agree with keeping it separated. Wait until you‘re sure it’s fully thriving again before you reintroduce it back with the others. Just a suggestion, since I’ve had chicks that would act fine for a day or so then begin to weaken again. That’s when I’d decide to keep them separated longer until I was sure they were going to be strong enough to hold their own around other chicks. You have another little one for companionship and comfort. That can help to encourage this chick to move and eat and drink more. I think what you’re doing is a wonderful and worthwhile effort.
Unfortunately she has passed this time she was warm to the touch so I didn't try reviving it again. Not looking forward to breaking the news to my kids. I put the other baby chick back with the rest. Fingers crossed for no more losses. I'll bury the baby later today.
Rip little Winnie.
I’m so sad to hear. The lengths you went to, in order to preserve her life, were above and beyond.

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