Smell Coming From Nest


11 Years
Dec 8, 2008
Waco, Texas
Ellie has been laying on about 10 eggs since about July 4th or 5th... I notcied an oder comming form the sunday tried to check it yesterday mornning while she was off.. first egg I piced up definately stunk and I barried it in the garden... that evening I checked again and found two more.. so now theres 6 in there.. I check again when she was off a little while ago.. I think there may be a few more.. there is an oder and they are dark inside.. one was dark with yellow and orange inside. since I was in garage wasn't as dark as bathroom . Should I still be removing the ones that stink?? if they are all bad she won't have any left if I keep removing.. I'm think that her hats date the first few days in august give or take a day or two.. what will happen if I end up happening to take all here eggs because they are bad..
I had candled them a few weeks ago and they were developing... could all this heat we are having killed them..
I suspect the weather could have played havoc with the hatch.

Do you have any fresher eggs fertile or not? Wooden eggs? I use wooden eggs in nests to keep the ducks that are a little broody happier until their hormones fade a bit.

Maybe a couple of boiled eggs and switch them out, until she passes the broody phase.
I have some wooden eggs but they are not painted white...
I'm so hopping at least a few will hatch.. Doesn't it effect them when they don't hatch any???

if they are all bad will she keep setting on them???? or could there still be some that are good
if I remove the two I found today that will leave about 4.. I may not be able to check them till tomorrow
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When mine go broody, they set wooden eggs (I take the real ones) for about four weeks, then almost overnight, they're done, no big deal.

The wooden eggs are smaller than their eggs, and unpainted, and they still set them. When they are done, they roll the eggs out of the nest and walk away.
You need to throw the rotten eggs in the trash. The smell will only get worse & might even attract rats, ants, ect.... It shouldn't be a problem in regards to the hen. I've had to take and trash bad eggs from my chickens & ducks. I even hi-jack the eggs right before they hatch (day 27) & put them in the incubator. The hen will fuss a little & look in the nest a few times, but they get over it and continue to lay more eggs. My one hen laid about 11 eggs, I took some to the local pet store to incubate & put some in my bator. (these eggs she started laying "while" she still had her 7 babies which were 2weeks old) well anyways, she still continued to lay but she made a new nest in a different area. In that nest there ended up being 11 more eggs BUT, my Rouen hen decided that she was going to sit on them. So 2weeks ago we hatched 9 out of 11 eggs...Mean while the hen still was not done laying. This is my Golden Cascade hen, now she makes a 3rd nest with 12 more eggs. Yes, she hatched 9 more (7 babies following her around, 1 left in nest kinda weak & 4 eggs)on SATURDAY. The weak baby is in the house with me, doing great & 1 of the eggs had a pip & is now a 1 day old baby & also in the house with me and doing great. ~~My point is that they will keep laying, just might be in a different spot.
I didn't mean to ramble on. ~ Good luck with your duckies, ~Julie~
Thank you. I may not be able to check again till in the morning she didn't get off this evening... I'll put a couple wooden or plastic in there if I can find the plastic ones...
I thought after they got through going broody and if they hatched eggs that they then molted/????
My ducks will pull the rotten eggs out of the nest on their own. (Pekin and Muscovy) They leave them out in the pen for me to take care of (Thanks guys, I just love rotten eggs) I've also incubated duck eggs in the house and the ones that start turning those funny colors need to be removed before they start leaking and stinking.

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