smelly bator


11 Years
Mar 17, 2008
My bator has started smelling, I have smelt all the eggs and cannot find one egg that does really smell .
Is it normal that the bator smells a bit ?
Am on day 13
Only time mine had a smell was one of the button quail eggs was bad. It had started to leak a little. Once I took it out the smell went away. I would say one of your eggs has to be going bad. Have you candled them to see?
I would definitely wear some gloves and candle those eggs asap. Embryo growth should be very obvious at this point and you should be able to see veins as well.
here are some illustrations of each day of development

actual pictures are here, to give you an idea of how big of a blob you are looking for..

Any clears, eggs with a very small dark spot, or any that sweat once you have them out of the bator for a couple of minutes need to go...
I have to second the reccomendation to candle each one of those eggs. Put on old clothes, have a trash bag close by and be very careful not to bump or drop an egg. If you have an offensive smell you might be on the road to an exploding rotting egg. I promise you that is one mess you don't want to have to clean up.
You really want to find that stinky egg and get it out of there. We just had some EE eggs that had 2 or 3 bad ones. If you bring them out and wait a few minutes, the general smell will be gone off the good ones and the bad ones will be noticiable. If it explodes in your bator you will kill all the other eggs and you will have to throw your bator away!!
hearing that. I am so glad and lucky that, that has not happened to me. I dont candle either as I am skared to kill an embryo. I know it sounds stupid but its how I feel.
Candling won't hurt the embryos, having a bacteria filled egg exploding goo all over in your bator can definitely do some damage. Then you have to pull all of the good eggs, clean them off, find somewhere warm to put them all wrapped up while you have to clean out the bator, and then get it back up to temp...

An ounce of prevention is definitely worth a pound of cure in this case.
Okay, I had read things you all have said about exploding eggs, but I thought by "exploding", you meant that the egg would suddenly crack apart. I didn't realize you meant "explode" literally. So imagine my surprise after my last hatch when I was using my little flashlight to break open the unhatched eggs to see what had happened to them and one of them I tapped truly EXPLODED. It sounded like a gun had gone off in my face, and I was pepper with tiny pieces of egg shell (luckily none flew into my eye) and I (as well as the wall across the room and everything in between) was covered in the most disgusting goo you've ever smelled. First, I nearly jumped out of my skin, and then almost as quickly, I nearly threw up. My ears were ringing afterwards. I still can't believe it! Incredible!
i think it is gas that fills up in the egg shell. Kind of like a tightly sealed room filled with gas vapors. I had to smell that when I was about to make some eggs. I will let you know that after that smell I stopped eating eggs for over 2 years.
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