Smelly Drake


Jun 22, 2020
Hello! Quick question....My Pekin drake, Chance, who is about 9 months old, has a funny musky smell. Even after a good bath, 2x daily in my bathtub lol. (He is a very fastidious boi lol) Is this something I need to look in to and/or has someone else had a similar experience? Had calls, mallards and rouens and showed them in 4-H and have had ducks most of my life. But this is my first time owning Pekins so I'm not sure if this is a Pekin thing.... Something to worry about, Or if Chance is just a musky beefy boi lol any advice is much appreciated and thank you in advance!
Picture for refrence. This is Chance.


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That was not the question I asked, but because I have children, I do indeed wash my bathtub out after the ducks have been in it. Every single time. I appreciate the tip but I am not new to owning ducks. I know how dirty they are. Them being inside wasn't a choice. Hauling water to a kiddie pool twice a day is not happening. I have RA.
No worries. Sometimes, it's hard to say no to a critter that loves you. I have had ducks and Canada geese I have hatched out imprint on me. Even as a kid. Tell three geese that they can NOT get on the school bus with you. I have noticed an odor at times from individual ducks that I have had. Not all of them were friendly enough to get my nose close though. Those ducks did get to spend time in an outdoor pond though and I attributed it to just doing duck stuff in the mud. It well might be that it is just his normal odor as you say he keeps himself clean. There isn't anything I can think of that you could try to put on him as their natural oils from the preen gland are vital to them. Maybe try to get him outside for some serious sun exposure? Not sure if some natural UV might help.
That was not the question I asked, but because I have children, I do indeed wash my bathtub out after the ducks have been in it. Every single time. I appreciate the tip but I am not new to owning ducks. I know how dirty they are. Them being inside wasn't a choice. Hauling water to a kiddie pool twice a day is not happening. I have RA.
Chance is beautiful. My duck bathes inside, too. 😉
Wow hes beautiful! Picture perfect 😊 I'm not sure about the smell. Mine all have that typical bird smell. Maybe after his next molt the scent will fade away?? Otherwise, if everything is normal with him he must just have his own unique scent. You can call it his Chance cologne 😂
Aww thank you! I got lucky! 😊 He's currently in a molt so I guess we'll see lol I'll update this thread when he's done and report back if he still has his musky odor! Lol 😂
He is not alone. I have a hen with him. They get fed Mazuri. Fresh veggies and fruit and SFL. They also get perch minnows twice a month.
He bathes so often because he wants to lol he wont hush til I put turn the water on. The musky smell comes from all over him. Not one specific place. (He doesn't smell like mildew just incase anyone wondered) He and my hen are house ducks. Not voluntarily. My hen's hatch mate died the second night. I had her first. Since she couldn't be left alone, she imprinted on me. Usually they get over that once they become adults. Charlie is not normal. She gets way too stressed to be away from me and refuses to eat. Shes a yr. I got him for her last September for. So he is also an inside duck.
That was not the question I asked, but because I have children, I do indeed wash my bathtub out after the ducks have been in it. Every single time. I appreciate the tip but I am not new to owning ducks. I know how dirty they are. Them being inside wasn't a choice. Hauling water to a kiddie pool twice a day is not happening. I have RA.

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