Snacks and More for Chicks


6 Years
Feb 16, 2013
Mont Vernon, NH
I have 12 chicks around a week or so old. I was wondering if anyone knows what kind of snacks I can feed them. Also, would they be old enough to be introduced to my dogs and brought outside? Any advice would be super helpful, this is my first time raising chickens! Thanks!!
Sand, grass, hard boiled eggs . Yogurt. Chopped up Spaghetti is hilarious to watch.

And IMO I would hold off on the dog intro and the outdoors ... They are only a week old Just tiny babes . There's plenty of time for all that ;) no need to rush it . Just my opinion tho . They are yours do as u will
Haha yes they love it I know it sounds weird but they won't eat their own eggs or anything later because of it so don't worry . It's a great source of protein for them . Some ppl even crush up the egg shells really fine and feed that to them too . That's good for calcium . . My barred rocks are 8 weeks old and as babies they looooved hard boiled eggs and spaghetti .... Then after a few weeks they loved grass . Worms . Rice . Tomatoes . There's really nothing they won't eat now lol. Watermelon , cantaloupe , sweet peas , rolled oats, hamburger , ham, mealworms , peppers . Apples list goes on haha
Try some apple sauce! My babies love it so much they basically fight over it! And since they are so little its easier for them to digest. Mine also love cottage cheese and mashed up hot dogs:)
Try some apple sauce! My babies love it so much they basically fight over it! And since they are so little its easier for them to digest. Mine also love cottage cheese and mashed up hot dogs:)

Applesauce! didnt think of that one, I have a bunch of cans of unsweetened applesauce that someone gave us and no one here likes...will see if the chicks like it.

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