snacks for pullets


6 Years
Apr 25, 2015
At what point do you start giving your pullets any treats and what do you give them? or is it better to wait until they are full-sized hens?

thanks, Kuku
At what point do you start giving your pullets any treats and what do you give them? or is it better to wait until they are full-sized hens?

thanks, Kuku
You don't have to wait until they are full sized hens. I started giving mine meal worms at about 11 weeks. They love them!
At what point do you start giving your pullets any treats and what do you give them? or is it better to wait until they are full-sized hens?

thanks, Kuku
Make sure they are getting grit if they are eating foods other than crumbles.
I like to offer greens from the garden.

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