Snake in my pond

Yea I've heard the same. I think it was the black racer, black rat, and king's that are supposed to keep the copperheads down. In Ohio (if we had any at all) it was only garder snakes and I would pick them up to show my kids šŸ˜‚ my husband doesn't like any of them and his thought on them is that they all have a target on them and it's his job to hit that target. Lol being here (NC) I'm not comfortable bc I've heard all will bite and have some kind of effect if they really want to. Luckily we've only had the one but I guess season for them is only just beginning. I have a pond/marshy wooded area directly across the road and so I'm worried about whatever breeds/species live there coming over as well when my birds start laying. I've heard to keep golf balls or ping pong balls in the nesting boxes in case a snake does come in before I gather eggs. Does that really work?
Black rat snakes are welcome around my property and they are welcome to do their job of rat patrol and snake control as long as I don't see them in, near or around my hen house. I will not share my eggs with a snake. For some reason I have real strong feelings about that. :rant
I don't blame you on that. I don't want to share my eggs either! Lol
Snakes of size are a pain. I relocate them when a problem. I have lost only eggs and some chicks to snakes. Not many of the lartter. Where I work water snakes are a much bigger problem than anyone here likely has. Some of those I kill. I do not like getting bitten repeatedly in rapid succession or have a snake kill many fish in a few minutes. I get bit a lot
Swap out jobs?
I am not afraid of snakes. Fear motivates the kill. Ignorance promotes the fear. Too much ignorance is destroying wildlife
I am repulsed by snakes in the way that many are repulsed by spiders or mice. Ignorance in the form of killing snakes is not a major factor in destruction of wildlife. Loss of specific habitats or an uneven balance of wildlife native and nonnative that is heavy on the predator side of the equation are the main reasons for a depletion of some species of wildlife. I respect and value your views, however I see a much different scenario here in recent years than in times earlier. Decreases in hunting, and the spread of coyotes is a major factor here for wildlife and the balance of it. When I was a child there were hardly any deer or wildlife other than an occasional fox, raccoon, rabbit or squirrel. My mother however always talked about how when she was young there were no raccoons hardly around as people hunted and trapped them for the hides. Now with few hunting them they have grown exponentially and are in large numbers even in the cities. Used to be I would see snakes about every day of various species and no they were not likely killed here unless an imminent threat to chickens. Then in later years didnā€™t hardly see but maybe one or two in a years time. The last couple of years however due to warmer and wetter weather I am seeing several more again, Again I am not killing many of these snakes unless the opportunity is there I will just let them go on their way unless they are a potential threat to chickens or eggs or in a place in the barns that could cause this old man to have a heart attack by encountering one on accident. šŸ˜ if I see one out in pasture away from the house and barns thatā€™s fine with me but if it is around the house or barns then thatā€™s different. We are seeing lots of different wildlife in recent years although coyotes are having an effect on lots of species. We have lots of wild turkeys, deer are fairly numerous. Foxes have moved in closer to houses because of coyotes. Black bears have also moved into the area. We are a cattle farm and predation from coyotes and black vultures is a constant worry in terms of newborn calves. We keep our chickens up in an enclosed lot due to raccoons, foxes, coyotes, minks, hawks, owls so we are affected daily by the presence of wildlife and itā€™s a serious issue that can cause a significant amount of economic loss as well as emotional stress of seeing calves that have been killed. When you add up all of the different predators and dangers and destruction that they cause it is a stunning amount overall. We have taken a lot of effort and investment to try to minimize the losses and damage of wildlife so I donā€™t think the term ignorance is applicable here.
I am repulsed by snakes in the way that many are repulsed by spiders or mice. Ignorance in the form of killing snakes is not a major factor in destruction of wildlife. Loss of specific habitats or an uneven balance of wildlife native and nonnative that is heavy on the predator side of the equation are the main reasons for a depletion of some species of wildlife. I respect and value your views, however I see a much different scenario here in recent years than in times earlier. Decreases in hunting, and the spread of coyotes is a major factor here for wildlife and the balance of it. When I was a child there were hardly any deer or wildlife other than an occasional fox, raccoon, rabbit or squirrel. My mother however always talked about how when she was young there were no raccoons hardly around as people hunted and trapped them for the hides. Now with few hunting them they have grown exponentially and are in large numbers even in the cities. Used to be I would see snakes about every day of various species and no they were not likely killed here unless an imminent threat to chickens. Then in later years didnā€™t hardly see but maybe one or two in a years time. The last couple of years however due to warmer and wetter weather I am seeing several more again, Again I am not killing many of these snakes unless the opportunity is there I will just let them go on their way unless they are a potential threat to chickens or eggs or in a place in the barns that could cause this old man to have a heart attack by encountering one on accident. šŸ˜ if I see one out in pasture away from the house and barns thatā€™s fine with me but if it is around the house or barns then thatā€™s different. We are seeing lots of different wildlife in recent years although coyotes are having an effect on lots of species. We have lots of wild turkeys, deer are fairly numerous. Foxes have moved in closer to houses because of coyotes. Black bears have also moved into the area. We are a cattle farm and predation from coyotes and black vultures is a constant worry in terms of newborn calves. We keep our chickens up in an enclosed lot due to raccoons, foxes, coyotes, minks, hawks, owls so we are affected daily by the presence of wildlife and itā€™s a serious issue that can cause a significant amount of economic loss as well as emotional stress of seeing calves that have been killed. When you add up all of the different predators and dangers and destruction that they cause it is a stunning amount overall. We have taken a lot of effort and investment to try to minimize the losses and damage of wildlife so I donā€™t think the term ignorance is applicable here.
This is about the OP's situation, not yours to perform a tirade.
This is about the OP's situation, not yours to perform a tirade.
My apologies to anyone who was offended. Definitely not a tirade just a heart felt explanation and response. I responded to a post that you had quoted a post of mine in. I am only trying to share a perspective. We can all learn from each other by sharing our experiences. If my post was not within the guidelines then it can be deleted.
My apologies to anyone who was offended. Definitely not a tirade just a heart felt explanation and response. I responded to a post that you had quoted a post of mine in. I am only trying to share a perspective. We can all learn from each other by sharing our experiences. If my post was not within the guidelines then it can be deleted.
I appreciated hearing about the changes over the decades
Found this dude chasing frogs in my pond today. Think itā€™s a yellow bellied water snake. Eats cray fish and frogs and salamanders. All of which live in my pond.

Fairly harmless but donā€™t want snakes near my ducks. Anyone know a good way to get rid of snakes other than shooting them which is my wifeā€™s solution šŸ˜‚

Friend suggested styrofoam balls. Snake thinks they are eggs and eats them and it kills them. But researching these snakes they donā€™t really go for eggs. And with the amount of crayfish that live in my pond I donā€™t think it will be desperate enough to try something off menu

Someone recommended Ortho Snake B gone to Keep snakes out. Anyone have any good ways to drive and keep snakes out of the pond and yard?
I agree with your wife.
speaking of snakes, I followed this one who was making a b-line to the chicken coop yesterday.. Beautiful Gray Rat Snake... unfortunately the kids aren't laying yet. One of the gals was checking out as if to say "Hey George, what's that?"

As for your snake you could put blood meal around areas you want to protect from snake, I hear they don't like it much. Or if a neighbor has a dog, march him around the area daily. Snake don't like dogs, and their sweat glands are in their feet.. makes a stinky mess as far as snakes go.


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