Snakes eating.. fair warning!

Aneesa's Muse

11 Years
Jun 8, 2008
SF Bay Area

Corn Kenna: "Sideways, right?"


"Oh.. okay... head FIRST is the way you do this.. "


Jaffe is eating multiple fuzzy meece now ..2 or 3 usually... first fuzzy down


2nd fuzzy down..


STILL hungry?? ...3rd snack is a hopper ..guess he's gonna be moving up a size in snacks next meal..


Flinch eats 2 fuzzies each meal, too ...but she's shy about it..

They have shed 5 times since I got them in April or was it May.. anyhoo... they are really darkening up nicely now ..won't be long 'til they're BLACK ratsnakes


Puck! can usually put down a couple of snacks ..a hopper and then a fuzzy ...but she had an agenda last night.. and it didn't involve a 2nd snack ...instead, she wanted me to keep sticking my hand in her tank so she could make me jerk around and play tag with her

I took pics of the Spotteds while snapping these, but they all came out really blurry ..even for me ...but the male did eat in front of me.

Thanks for lookin'!

Disclaimer: Feeding days are also cleaning days for ratsnake kids ..they're poopin' machines please ignore the poopies!

My "kids" eat frozen/thawed ...either meece or rats ..depending on size of snake. These little ones are eating various sizes of meece
Great pics, pretty scaley children, love them. I have a corn snake
But, that seems like it may be too much food for those little guys? How often do you feed them that much?

Madison.. I feed my "little" kids about 2x a week ..2 or 3 food items each meal ....cuz they are growing and need their nourishments.

The bigger kids (Ball Pythons) get a snack about once a week ..unless they are "blue" ..and then they usually decline.

How much and how often do you feed your Corn? All three of mine can eat multiples every 4 days or so ..and they "ask" for more, even
And the Rat snakes aren't much different ..they LIKE to eat!

My little Spotted Pythons ..the new ones ....they are only eating one pink every 3 or 4 days now ..and two still have never eaten (hard to get started sometimes), but one of the non-feeders that I rec'd Wednesday ate its first meal last night... which makes me very, very happy!
Very cool. Beautiful animals. What are the breeds? (I'm snake ignorant)

If I sent you a live silkie chick would you feed it to your snakes and take pics?

(Just a joke people - no one panic - I know a few of you are curious)
Thank you!!

PC.. the first 2 pics are of my Corn snake, Kenna. The next 4 pics are Jaffe and Flinch, Black Rat snakes heterozygous for White albino (that translates to white scales, rather than pinkish transparent looking ones). The last snake pictured is my little Leucistic TX Rat snake ..Puck! ..and she is a handful. It's her nature to be "temperamental" ..and she lives up to it! LOL She's always tracking me ..and she will lunge at my face, if I'm not paying close attention to her movements and signals (her tail "talks")

And nope.. none of my gang will eat a chick. I haven't tried, but it's not a good thing to do ...if they decide they like it.. I set myself up for desperately trying to find chicks every week. Not good.

Btw, I gave my Silkie and Sizzle roos away today ..and I thought of you and that crazy video of your "shoe killer"
Oberon and his brother went to live down the street with some neighbors that think their cuteness outweighs their attitudes.
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They are beautiful! I miss having snakes, someday when I have the time and money I want to get a Butter Corn snake, they something else!

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