snakes-- how do you deal with them, and how do you kill them?

Neat idea!!! I would have never thought of that one!!! I live in Maine so dont have big enough snakes to bother the chickens. Thank God. I love snakes would hate to have to kill them. I had one get into the house some how and got stuck in my lace curtains in the kitchen. I spent over 30 minutes cutting up the curtain to get the snake untangled.
I did save the snake.
I have found two rat snakes in my chicken coop over the last few years. My storage shed next to the chicken coop is where we keep our axe. When hubby came home from work those two times he had lots of little "snake pieces" to pick up. I know they're not poisonous, but they still killed my chicks, so they had to go. This one was nice and full (three eggs) and even waited for me to go into the house and get the camera while he swallowed the last egg.

The one that ate my new chicks didn't live long enough to get his picture taken, but I think this was him from the day before.

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