snakes in the chicken coop or chicken yard

Thanks Ken. I keep all feed and supplies in the house for that reason. If they weren't night crawlers or attacking the chicks they wouldn't bother me so much. I wouldnt even mind if they had an egg every now and then. The thought of one falling on me or jumping out at me in the middle of the night creeps me out though. And attacking my babies is a definite no no :). I could live without ever seeing another snake for the remainder of my life but I doubt that will happen. I'm not giving up my babies though so will do whatever I can to protect them. Thanks again. Tammy
Doesn't work with me...I love salt.

You can buy a thing called Snakeaway.

It's the same stuff as THAT would keep me away...

The active ingredients in Snake-A-Way are Naphalene and Sulfer
Snakes don't have a the type of sense of smell that is affected by Moth Balls, and Sulfur has no effect on them at all. The best way to get rid of snakes is clean up any hiding places and keep weedy areas cut
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I absolutely swear by my 5 guineas. We have a bayou in back of our property & every kind of snake you can think of. The only snake I've seen in the 2 years since I hatched the guineas was one they were tearing up & eating. Everybody else around us has killed snakes. The guins roost w/the chickens at night & in the morning fly up & over the run & spend the day roaming the property. I also have wired buried around the perimeter of my coop & hardware cloth on the bottom 1/2 of the door (wire door for ventilation).
I certainly agree with ur response very well people move to the country then want to put there ways here. example a lawyer moved next to a 200 acre horse farm then made complaints about the horses smelling nosie etc. why would you move to the country and try to change policies of the people here go back to the city or move in town..we have people destroying the farms and animals one day we wont know what a horse or cow is what a shame..people who have or raise animals make much better humans..most of the time.. I have used a snake repel from tractor supply store cant remember the name but it smells like clover u put on ham..only because to many snakes and small kids running around..and if I find one I trap and remove to another area and I hate snakes ...
Snakelover here. Have two as pets. Have also had timber rattlers (there is a den somewhere around here with lots of rattlers) and copperheads in the yard (dogs found them, I rounded up the dogs and the snakes high tailed it OUT the moment they could, I don't kill them).

Anyway another way to help prevent snakes is to make sure the chicken food does NOT attract rodents. Snakes can pick up rodent scent trails and follow them for quite a distance, if rodents are attracted to the coop then the snakes will be attracted too.
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I've always enjoyed eating snake, and snake skin is super easy to tan, so a few traps around the coup may bring a welcome meat supply to the table and a steady supply of snake hides for whatever crafts. The more venomous they are the better they'll taste fried.

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