Snakes Kill Chickens!

Rat snakes are very aggressive and they get huge. I have one in my barn that is over 8' long. I caught him and turned him loose in there years ago when he was 7' or so and he was a total hand full. I actually released him into the barn to help with the rats and never really gave any thought to him attacking my chickens and so far so good. I know if he wanted he could easily take any bantam at anytime and I do worry about it but thought the benefits out weight the negatives.

I'm really sorry to hear about your loss but I wonder if your RIR might have attacked him first. I know that once they are cornered... someone is going to get bitten! I just wonder if your bird might have jumped him then once the snake struck back it would have wrapped the bird instintively in defense. I can't imagine a snake killing a bird of that size to try and eat it.

Please don't think I am trying to take up for the snake. LOL If he had taken my neighbors pigeon and killed one of my chickens he would be on my list for sure!!! I am just trying to make sense of it.

One thing I can tell you for sure....he is going to get a LOT bigger than 2 or 3 feet!!! Especially if he is eating well! If mine starts taking birds I truly dread the day I am going to have to face off with him again. He was so thick he about twisted out of my hands. I'm not scared of snakes but he really had me nervous.

Good luck to might want to take care of him now before he gets any bigger. Again...I am very sorry for your loss. That would have been a horrible scene to have to witness.

My parents just found one of my chickens being strangled by a 4' long black snake inside the coop at about 9pm this evening. (Mom hit it with a flashlight and it loosened its grip, then slithered underneath the other hens who were sitting sleepily on the nest. Finally chased the snake out of the coop and my Dad killed it with a hoe.) Yikes! The hen is OK we think... I'm located in VA as well, and it's about the same time of year as the attack this thread related last year. I wonder if it has to do with the type of snake we have here in VA?

Does anyone know if a snake would attack birds on a roost? Several of mine have been roosting on the edge of the nest box which is only 1" or so off the ground. They have two roosts to choose from but haven't been using one of's a small coop.
Ideas for how to get snakes away from the coop?

I have heard of ppl. on this site hens being killed by snakes...most of the time the hen is setting on a nest and the snake wants the eggs and when the hen tries to protect them the snake retaliates by chocking her to death.....I know your fear. God knows I do. I have an unhealthy fear of snakes and will run a mile to avoid one if I can. I have tried being hypnotized to overcome worked one year, but the next year the fear was back....they lady gave me a tape to listen to while she was putting me under, perhaps I'll listen to it again.
I just wanted to add that I too had a fairly large black snake approach the chicken's roosting area this evening and kill my rooster just after dusk. I walked out to close the door on their hutch and stepped on something in the dark. It was the legs of my dead rooster while the snake was still indeed wrapped around the other end trying desperately to swallow my 12 week old rooster, "Henry." I am so disappointed, as I was waiting each day for him to begin to crow. It was so exciting to see him mature from 1 week, all the way to 12 weeks! I too had no idea that a snake would tackle an adult chicken let alone my rooster! I am sure my chicken hutch is snake proof and if Henry had been all the way in the hutch and I had closed it sooner this wouldn't have happened. Just so sad...
Everyone beware---
Apparently a virginia thing! Over three nights now we've lost 2 hens to strangling black snakes hiding in the coop, the second ( who knew?) was in the hay in the nesting box. Both setting hens were found dead with wet head and neck, the big clue. Our coop is new and built into the corner of a cinder block barn. Tight, we thought. We are sick and looking for solutions. One setting hen on one egg left.
If the snake was THAT small in comparison to the chicken, I would bet the chicken tried to eat it first, and the snake just ended up wrapping around its neck or etc.
Happens to hawks sometimes.
We had one of 7 week old chicks killed yesterday by a snake. The snake did the same thing, strangled her and then left her because she was too big. We are going to try to use snake repellent. Has anyone had any luck with that?
We had one of 7 week old chicks killed yesterday by a snake. The snake did the same thing, strangled her and then left her because she was too big. We are going to try to use snake repellent. Has anyone had any luck with that?
I just had a large rat snake get caught in my deer netting (wrapped around chicken run) a few nights ago. I've been researching and from what I can find there is absolutely no way to repel snakes, all you can do is take away their food supply and places for them to live. So if you have a bunch of stuff lying around your yard a good start would be to clean up. Take away their food supply is a bit more difficult considering they are coming after our chickens and/or eggs.
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3 nights ago I went out after dark to check on my chicks ranging from probably 6-15 weeks. Found a 5 ft rat snake with my beautiful 12 week old Cochin being eaten. Head and neck down. So glad I didn't send my daughter out like I normally do. I ran for my husband and the gun. When the snake saw me he promptly started pulling the chick out of his mouth. When he did finally he slithered through the chicken wire and my husband shot him. No sympathy for him at all. I love animals even some snakes. Used to work in a zoo, but he killed my baby and I was ******. I know he was trying to eat her, but I can't imagine how he could have gotten her down. He looked like he was struggling just on the head. Anyone got any suggestions on how to make the roosts available for the chickens to get into at dark, but not the snakes. I need a better design obviously. Tomorrow will be Chickadees funeral (to help my daughter recover from this) and I don't want a repeat. Please suggestions?
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