Snakes Kill Chickens!

First. I apologize for my snide remarks- that was unkind if me.

Just like we like to keep chickens some people enjoy keeping snakes.
No animals were created as domestic pets, all of them were wild at some point.
The south eastern United States has a large and growing problem with invasive snakes, mostly Burmese pythons. These were originally brought to the United States as pets but were either released by owners or escaped. They have no natural predators here and the population in the wild has boomed. They are taking food resources from the natural species and upsetting the natural order in dome areas.

Point being- Humans really know how to screw things up!! Lol
This is the one thing thats freaking me.....all our snakes are deadly...horrid things.
The 'palace' area and coop are being built to be completely pest (fox/snake/raptor) proof but you cant guarantee it and i really dont want to bump into a snake.
This is the one thing thats freaking me.....all our snakes are deadly...horrid things.
The 'palace' area and coop are being built to be completely pest (fox/snake/raptor) proof but you cant guarantee it and i really dont want to bump into a snake.

Well, not all snakes. I wouldn't mind having a non-deadly snake:p All I have at my place are tiny garden or racer snakes. One time I did find a 7-10 foot long snake at my old place. But I love to find little tiny baby snakes, my family saved one from freezing.
First. I apologize for my snide remarks- that was unkind if me.

Just like we like to keep chickens some people enjoy keeping snakes.
No animals were created as domestic pets, all of them were wild at some point.
The south eastern United States has a large and growing problem with invasive snakes, mostly Burmese pythons. These were originally brought to the United States as pets but were either released by owners or escaped. They have no natural predators here and the population in the wild has boomed. They are taking food resources from the natural species and upsetting the natural order in dome areas.

Point being- Humans really know how to screw things up!! Lol

Yep! Not only for the humans ad nature but for the snakes!
I just had the same issue with my quail. Couldn't figure out what was killing quail and not tearing them up only leaving them wet! Went out yesterday because I seen another causality. Looked down and there was a rat snake stuck inside the cage. It couldn't get out since it had swallowed one.
No seriously all the snakes here in south Australia are dangerous. ...brown snakes and red bellied blacks where I live and the brownies are known to chase people.....eewwww
I recently encountered the same thing. We had been taking the black snakes for long walks away from our coop because we didn't want to kill them. Then 3 days ago at 10 p.m and pitch dark I heard a strange sound coming from the coop. I opened the side door to find a black snake wrapped around my poor Myrtle, it's fangs in her throat. Yep I killed the thing. I didn't want it coming back to kill again. 30 minutes later my husband comes home and goes up to the coop to take poor Myrtle out to the woods and to get rid of the dead snake and there staring up at him was another Black Snake! Needless to say that one didn't live long.

So, if you see a snake around your coop, find a way to dispatch it quickly.

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