
I live In the northwest so all we get are 2-3ft harmless garter snakes. Usually I'm more concerned for the snakes than the birds :/ I'd imagine a rattler wouldn't be able you do much harm to a adult bird unless it gets bare skin(leg, face or maybe a wing.)we have huge 1ft long wild rats who are always causing issues though whith disease risk and egg snatching and eating feed right in whith our chickens! We're hoping the rainy season drowns them all in their burrows....
I live In the northwest so all we get are 2-3ft harmless garter snakes. Usually I'm more concerned for the snakes than the birds :/ I'd imagine a rattler wouldn't be able you do much harm to a adult bird unless it gets bare skin(leg, face or maybe a wing.)we have huge 1ft long wild rats who are always causing issues though whith disease risk and egg snatching and eating feed right in whith our chickens! We're hoping the rainy season drowns them all in their burrows....

2-3ft garter snakes? Footlong rats??
I'll take my chances on the Northeast side of the State with bull snakes and rattlers. Lol.
At least I've only seen one bull snake in 20 years. Hope it's another 20 before I see another!! Seen a few baby garters though. I think our great horned owls and other aerial and ground predators see to anything else.
@Wendy Case haha yup not even exaggerating lol id catch em when I was a kid and measure the big ones out of curiosity, my favorite was a HUGE electric blue female I found after shed eaten Idk what and sunbathed in our driveway! I own snakes if you can't tell (pretty sure it's the all the shrews and reed frogs in the fields/forest getting them fat.) and our dog leaves the rat corpses in our yard when he catches em. Now I have my single ball python boy and my BT skink who I dote on relentlessly for my reptile fill (they'd much rather I not lol.)
@Wendy Case haha yup not even exaggerating lol id catch em when I was a kid and measure the big ones out of curiosity, my favorite was a HUGE electric blue female I found after shed eaten Idk what and sunbathed in our driveway! I own snakes if you can't tell (pretty sure it's the all the shrews and reed frogs in the fields/forest getting them fat.) and our dog leaves the rat corpses in our yard when he catches em. Now I have my single ball python boy and my BT skink who I dote on relentlessly for my reptile fill (they'd much rather I not lol.)

Lol. I'm trying to visualize an electric blue HUGE rat!
My daughter used to handle snakes all the time whilst training for animal husbandry in Wales, UK. She doesn't have my genes!
You have some interesting pets for sure!! I guess I've seen too many horror films.
My hate of worms came from my mean brother putting earthworms down the back of my blouse and squishing them. I was only little, but I'll never forget that feeling of them whipping around on my back... And I'm 65 this year!! Anything that whips around now is in my rearview!! :oops:
@Wendy Case UGH! WORMS! ironically my chickens hate worms and my niebors always be like "we brought worms for your chickens!!!" And then I'm just like "greeeeeeaaaat...." O-O
I don't know if I feel worse for my birds or my poor niebors unsuccesssfull attempts to win them over. :/
@Wendy Case UGH! WORMS! ironically my chickens hate worms and my niebors always be like "we brought worms for your chickens!!!" And then I'm just like "greeeeeeaaaat...." O-O
I don't know if I feel worse for my birds or my poor niebors unsuccesssfull attempts to win them over. :/
@Wendy Case UGH! WORMS! ironically my chickens hate worms and my niebors always be like "we brought worms for your chickens!!!" And then I'm just like "greeeeeeaaaat...." O-O
I don't know if I feel worse for my birds or my poor niebors unsuccesssfull attempts to win them over. :/

Oh that's hilarious! Thankfully my only neighbors are the next farm down from ours.... And they have their own chickens to feed worms to. :sick

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