Snapping turtle removed from pond - but ducks will not go back in pond


8 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Recently I removed a large snapping turtle from our pond, making sure it was the only one. Our 6 Pekins will not get back in the pond as 2 of them had been bitten by the snapper (both doing fine now).

My question is...if I simply remove their foodbin and waterdispenser will they naturally go back into the pond after a couple days? They have not set foot in the pond for 3 weeks - the turtle has been removed for 2.5 of those weeks and I am getting a little concerned they won't get back in due to their fear.

Thank you so very much for any advice you can offer to me on this topic - your time is greatly appreciated.
Have you tried to gently (yet forcefully) herd them into the pond? Whenever my ducks got it into their little heads that the pond was off limits for some stupid reason, we've 'driven' them in ... and while they come right back out initially, it usually restarts them using the pond.
do they have a favorite treat, if so try tossing some in the pond . most of them love lettuce try that good luck
My 2 pekins were nipped incessantly by our Koi in their pond and just stopped one day from ever going back in. A few days after that, I picked one up and manually put him back in the pond and he ran out like holy terror. That was about 6 weeks ago and they have never gone back in.
The ducks don't realize that the turtle is gone. In their mind, the pond is the place where they or their flockmates got attacked. It will take a while until they go back-- if ever.

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